^^what a cute pair!
We had a sports filled weekend!
Thus is life with boys. I’ve always been athletic and into fitness, but I didn’t really catch on to sports until a combo of meeting Thomas (who is good at and watches everything imaginable) and Mazen getting old enough to join some teams. We had 2x basketball, 2x soccer, and our second ski trip of the year (which blended the weekend into Monday because Mazen had a teacher workday!) Next up in sportsland: golf lessons for everyone!
Saturday: Basketball
I started Saturday with my favorite workout class and then took a quick shower, slammed a Splendid Spoon smoothie and headed to Mazen’s last basketball game of the season. He has gotten SO much better and went from not touching the ball once (first game) to making a basket (last game!)
That afternoon I organized our messy desk and some of the playroom, which is coming to a blog post in the next few weeks.
Mid-afternoon Nona The Best Babysitter arrived, and Thomas and I kissed the boys goodbye and headed to the Duke v. UVA game! The rivalry was strooooong.
We had a few of T’s friends with us, and went to Vivace for a SUPER early dinner (at 4:30!) and happy hour before the game. We shared yellowfin tuna with risotto that was fab along with a wedge salad.
That was one close game!
I can never decide if I want Duke to win by one point or UVA to win by one point, but either way I’m glad it was a close game. A nail biter till the end!
Ben & Jerry’s at halftime!!!
Sunday: Soccer
On Sunday morning we fueled up and went to our outdoor soccer game. It was a beautiful day to play. I covered about six miles during the game!
Refuel sandwich.
We tidied up a bit during B’s nap. I always tidy up at the start of nap and the start of bedtime. It’s nice for the room to look put together if only for a few! Then we both took naps!
Sunday we roasted brussels and taters and T grilled some salmon. I headed out for my second soccer game of the day – our final women’s indoor game – and closed the day with almost 11 miles and super tired legs. It’s so funny to me how I wouldn’t set out to run more than 3, maybe 4, miles on a “regular” run but I sure can cover some ground in soccer.
Monday: Ski Day 2.0
You know what’s not smart? Going skiing when you have killed your quads the day before! But with Mazen’s teacher workday, we had to get up and go to squeeze one more trip to Wintergreen. While my legs were super tired after each run, it was still loads of fun.
Mazen did AWESOME! His first run down the bunny hill he got nervous when we were (gently) encouraging him to let down his guard a little. Knowing he and I share genes, I remember being pressured to do things I was scared of when I was little so I told him the same thing I would have wanted: you do you and I’ll leave you alone to practice by yourself for a bit (I was nearby just not right next to him). He figured it out in his own time (like 5 minutes) and then he was great! HE was beating ME down the mountain by mid-morning!!
A few updated tips to my last post about Wintergreen:
- OMG don’t go on a Saturday!!! Last time the lines were insane and this time we didn’t wait more than 3 minutes for a lift and we walked right through the rentals area with ease. It was SO much better I will never go on a Saturday again. I felt like we had a whole theme park to ourselves.
- Buy your fam these neck warmers. Mazen is obsessed with one my mom and dad gave him and so I knew he would love this set. I had T and M wear the neon colors and they were so much easier to spot!! You could use these for all kinds of outdoor sports that you might need to spot your fam in a crowd. You can wear them on your head as a headband, up on your face if it’s windy, or around your neck or as an arm band.
- We made the epic mistake of not knowing you couldn’t buy a 4-hour lift ticket in the morning. We only planned to ski from 8:30 – 12:30 so we had hoped to buy a half day, but you can only buy 8-hour tickets starting at 9, when the slopes open. So we were forced to pay for a whole day even though we had to leave by 12:30. ugh. (We had our sitter with Birchie which is why we couldn’t extend the day). Aside from the expense, skiing from 9-12:30 was actually the perfect little half day trip.
And we got to spend some of it with my friend Meg who was up there with her boys!!
That’s a wrap for ski season this year. It was quite warm up there, but I’m glad we got in a few end-of-season visits. What’s the youngest you’ve seen a child ski? Think we can take Birch at age 3?
I’ll tell you one thing: today is a rest day!!!
More posts!
source https://betterweightloss.info/a-weekend-of-sports-kath-eats-real-food/
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