My 6 year old blew me away tonight. Her words were so real, open and true. The experience I had with her tonight I wanted to remember forever.
The lights were off and the two of us were looking at family pictures on my phone. Viewing July 2018, the photos from two years ago made memories rush in like a flood. It made me ache for the future when one day, my baby today at 6 will seem little.
It was time to sleep, so I set down the phone and snuggled into her shoulder. It was quiet. I felt such love between the two of us. She pulled back, looked at me and said, “Mommy, I love you so much. I love you because…” and she went on to list five of the most beautiful reasons why she loves me.
“I love you so much because you’re a fun mom. You’re so much fun.”
“I love you so much because when you get mad, I forgive you.”
“I love you so much because when I do naughty things, you forgive me.”
“I love you so much because I love your voice.” She went on to describe how I over-pronounce my p’s when I say “pop”. How my s’s drag with a “ssss” at the end.
“I love you so much because you take care of me.”
I was blown away.
This little girl was able to articulate such profound feelings in such a simple way. My heart melted and emotion swept over me.
My response was an immediate thank you. “I love you so much because of what you just shared with me.”
Well baby doll, you know that I love you beyond words. I will love you forever and unconditionally.
“I love you so much because of who you are on the inside. You have a heart of gold.”
“I love you so much because you love to be a helper. You always want to be involved and to help those around you.”
“I love you because you’re funny and silly.”
“I love you so much because you’re a beautiful big sister. You play, you share, you teach, and you take care of her better than I would have ever expected.”
“I love you so much because you’re just a little crazy. And you know I need a little crazy in my life.”
“I love you so much because God gave me you.”
“I love you so much for helping me become who I was meant to be.”
The Lesson
The beauty in that moment was breathtaking.
What would the world be like if we were all just like a little child? If we let others know when they are loved. How much they are loved. And specifically why they are loved.
The relational maturity that she displayed was beyond anything I could have ever dreamed. It amazes me how she was able to articulate how she felt, when we as full-blown adults, often can’t even come close to being able to do the same.
Does life just make us jaded? Do we build too many walls in response to hurts? Do we let fear rule us and how we treat others – even the ones we love? We must.
This experience has inspired me to be more like my six year old from here on out. I want to let those that I love know how I feel about them, and to do it often and with ease.
How Ironic
A week before this occurred, I began reading The 5 Love Languages of Children. (Amazon affiliate link provided.) It was my hope to make sure I was showing my growing firstborn daughter how much she was loved. And more importantly, that she could feel it. I’ve only got one chance to be a mom to this young soul, and then she’ll be grown. So, with all the daily hubbub, I needed to be sure I was communicating my love for her in the most effective way.
In the book, it explains how children who’s primary love language are affirmations, may enjoy a game called, “I love you because”. Yes, the exact same game my daughter started tonight was recommended to do as an activity in the book. It was already on my agenda to do with her – as I had literally read that part the morning of this experience.
It’s funny how God gives you such beautiful opportunities and affirmations in life.
It’s All In The Details
What I learned from my daughter is that it’s not the words, “I love you” that conveyed her love and meant so much to me. It were her reasons why.
She tells me all the time that she loves me, but tonight was drastically different because of the “why”.
Life is short. Accidents happen. Tell them you love them – and tell them why.
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