Sunday, 5 April 2020

6 Top Strategies for Successful Weight Loss

Are you looking to lose some weight? Do you want to keep it off – for good? Have you lost weight, but just can’t seem to keep it off? Is “sheltering at home” leading to stress eating and weight gain? You aren’t alone! Especially now, when we are highly encouraged to remain in our homes as much as possible, we know it’s harder to get the recommended daily physical activity, which can contribute to weight gain. So, we are here to help! We know that there are some very important strategies for maintaining that lost weight. Read on for your strategies for success…

1. KEEP A FOOD JOURNAL Writing down what you eat, how much you eat, and when you eat keeps you honest and allows you to see any patterns to your eating. If you’re trying to keep your calories in a certain range, writing down everything you eat and drink will help you be more successful. You can go old-school and keep a notebook in which you record everything. Or you can use an app on your phone like My Fitness Pal or Lose It.

2. WEIGH YOURSELF OCCASIONALLY We are NOT big fans of the scale, as the number can fluctuate based on your monthly cycle, if you had a high-sodium meal the day before, or if you had a high-starch meal the day before. BUT, getting a baseline weight (if the scale does not trigger you) and then checking it once a month, can give you feedback on your progress. Choose one day a month (the 1st of the month), and weigh yourself just after you’ve woken up and used the bathroom (sans clothing). Record this in your journal. You’ll be able to track your progress and see any true weight fluctuations. Healthy weight loss is 1/2-2 pounds per week. Remember, in the week before and during your period, your weight will go up due to water retention and the thicker endometrial lining. Don’t look at it as an increase in fat weight nor as a time to panic. Maybe it’s a great week to take a vacation from the scale.

3. MOVE YOUR BODY EVERYDAY If you want to lose weight and keep it off, you have to get active to burn calories and build muscle mass. Cardio is a great calorie torcher, but weight training is just as important to stimulate your muscle mass, which will increase your metabolism. Throw in some yoga, pilates, stretching, and foam rolling to round out your exercise program. With gyms currently closed, make sure you check out our fitness videos over on our YouTube channel. There are also a multitude of fitness apps (we like FitOn, Peloton, and Beachboy) and workout YouTube videos to help you get those calories burning at home. Short on time? Even a short workout is better than no workout. And don’t forget to take a day off from “structured” exercise and go for a leisurely stroll or gentle hike.

6 Top Strategies for Successful Weight Loss

4. EAT BREAKFAST Let’s redefine what we mean by “breakfast.” With the increasing popularity in Intermittent Fasting (IF), many people are now shunning a morning meal. Most people “fast” 12 hours a day – from the time they finish dinner to after they wake up. That fasting period is actually very important for your body. It allows your digestive system to rest and gives you pancreas a break from pumping out so much insulin. When you choose to break your overnight fast is up to you. If you want to have a longer fasting window and a short feeding window, that’s totally fine. But when your body first gives you signals of physical hunger, then it’s time to eat. Your first meal should have a balance of protein (20-30 grams), healthy fat (10-20 grams), and high-fiber carbs (we prefer berries or veggies over starchy foods). One of our favorite breakfasts is 2-3 pasture-raised eggs cooked in extra virgin olive oil, sautéed baby spinach, topped with 1/2 avocado and seasoned with pink sea salt, black pepper, and a splash of lemon juice. YUM!

5. EAT STRUCTURED MEALS –  Do you stop and sit down to eat when you’re hungry or are you eating on the go? Do you eat while you work, watch tv, or surf the web? When you are physically hungry, it’s time to take a break from whatever task you are doing and focus on nourishing your body. Yes, that means put the cell phone in a time-out! Being present while you eat will allow you to feel fuller faster and be more satisfied with your meal. Take at least 15-20 minutes to eat. Notice the taste, texture, and temperature of what you are eating. Enjoy every bite. Don’t rush through your meal. When you’re done, you can return to whatever you were doing but with more energy and focus.

6. KNOW WHY  What is your reason for wanting to lose weight? A better job? To attract a boyfriend? Upcoming class reunion? Unfortunately, these types of reasons won’t lead to long-term weight loss success. If, on the other hand, you said your reasons are to be healthier, to reduce your risk of heart disease and diabetes, to feel better, to sleep better, to have more energy, or to have more self-confidence, then you’re on the right path!



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