Wednesday 29 July 2020

Why We Must Use Camphor During Coronavirus Pandemic-Indian Weight Loss Blog

It is more than five months since our regular lives got shattered due to Coronavirus. Everybody is doing everything possible to keep the households and family free from germs and the effects of coronavirus. We are eating healthy in an effort to build immunity against Coronavirus. You can read about it here in one of my previous blog posts. Not only that we are all using various immunity boosters in the form of supplements, homeopathic, and ayurvedic medicines. Read about all these in my previous posts here.

While looking for something traditional and natural instead of adding some more chemicals in my home, I realized that Camphor can be a very good disinfectant and we must use it in every home. Let me tell you Why We Must Use Camphor During Coronavirus Pandemic. 

Camphor for corona

Traditionally the Camphor flame is believed to drive away negative energies from homes. Since ages, it has been used during Pooja and Hawan by Indians. Not only in religious ceremonies but Camphor which is also known as Kapoor in Hindi, has been used as a disinfectant too. Camphor is also used as a mosquito and bugs repellent. Recently I have started using a lot of Camphor around the house so as to keep the house free from any kind of infection and virus. I can’t say if that has helped me keep Coronavirus away from my family but yes, up to now we are all safe. (fingers crossed)  Let me share my tips on how to use it around the house without much effort.

  • I crush a few tablets of Camphor and add to the water being used to mop the house. The result is a nice cool breezy smell of it.

Camphor for Corona

  • I have a little corner in the house where I have a few plants and a small waterfall. I recently noticed a few mosquitoes around that area, especially during evenings. I am allergic to chemical-based mosquito repellent sprays so have added a few Camphor tablets around the area. Like magic, the mosquitoes are all vanished. Hope you managed to see the camphor tablet resting on my Buddha’s arm.

camphor for corona

  • During monsoons, ants are a common sight and my camphor tabs come to my aid here too. I just add some crushed Camphor or Kapoor to a mugful of water and spray around the area. Voila…. all ants are gone.
  • Generally in the evening, I burn two cloves and two tablets of camphor in the pooja room and then rotate around the house. During these COVID times, while the media is spreading so much of negativity and with no jobs for the young, along with the scare of catching the coronavirus, this act surely helps me relax because of the aroma of cloves and camphor.
  • Nowadays there is Camphor oil easily available in the market which can be mixed with water and use it for bathing. This ritual can help with easing skin allergies. Try it.
  • If you have a blocked nose at night, keep some Camphor tablets near your pillow and sleep well.

camphor for corona

  • How about using camphor oil or even tablets with an electric diffuser? I had been doing it for quite some time now.

During Corona times I am trying my best to stay safe and secure, Are you doing the same? Don’t forget to share with me if you have any novel ideas for disinfecting your house and keep the family safe.

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52 years old, writer, painter, educationist, health coach and freelance, ever willing to do something new on a daily basis turned into a fitness freak from being a couch potato, repacked her free soul from 98 kg to 67 kg frame and fell in love with life all over again at the age of 45.


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