Thursday 20 August 2020

The Importance of Safety at Work with Safety Barrier Design

Work can be considered a source of health because with it we people achieve a series of positive and healthy aspects for it such as: salary, physical and mental activity, developing and activating social relationships with other people, increasing our self-esteem, etc.

However, work can also cause different types of psychological, physical or emotional health damage, depending on the social and material conditions in which it is carried out.

Although many of us have work and find positive aspects in it, sometimes we feel insecure and find flaws in our work environment.

Work Safety is one of the most important aspects of work activity. Working without proper safety measures can lead to serious health problems. In this sense, security is often not treated as seriously as it should be; which can cause serious problems not only for employees but also for employers.

Carrying out certain tasks in the workplace can carry with it some risks that lead to an accident at work. Depending on the personal and professional characteristics of the worker, the nature of the facilities, equipment and characteristics of the workplace. . We must take steps to improve this situation. In recent years, unions have made the inclusion of workplace safety issues thrive in most labor agreements.

For these reasons, governments carry out a stricter policy in relation to Work with Safety Barrier Design . Statistics show that a large number of labor inspections end in sanctions for breaching safety measures.

Companies should be interested in implementing Occupational Risk Prevention programs, a set of techniques that allow avoiding the most common accidents that occur at work.

Occupational Risk Prevention is the discipline that seeks to promote the safety and health of workers by identifying, evaluating and controlling the dangers and risks associated with a production process, in addition to promoting the development of activities and measures to prevent the risks derived from work.

Traditional prevention programs aimed only at preventing injuries have failed; therefore we cannot continue treating prevention as a function independent of the others, but must be integrated within each facet of the labor process.

Security, like mathematics, the newspaper, etc., is something that is within everyone’s reach. Also like all things, it needs a certain proportion of human effort to achieve it.

The Work Safety Barrier Design programs have a purpose: the adoption of greater precautions to eliminate or reduce to a minimum the factors that are the main causes of all accidents.

A good job in Prevention and Occupational Safety benefits production, due to the decrease in interruptions in the production process and the reduction in absenteeism and work accidents.

Therefore, it benefits the company and the worker by minimizing the risks of injury and illness, contributing to safety and well-being at work.

Safety at work is a preventive, non-medical technique that deals with the study and control of risks that can lead to accidents or incidents, in which we distinguish two essential aspects:

  • Safety at Work aims to avoid accidents/incidents
  • To achieve this end,

Safety Barrier Design is based on studied and proven techniques that can avoid it and, in addition to these, there are procedures that applied to companies and followed by workers and middle managers can avoid the materialization of an accident.

Before continuing, the definition of: Accident: it is the one that causes an injury, of any kind, in the worker, including the loss of working days. Incident: causes an alteration in the development of tasks, including the temporary suspension of them, but does not cause the worker to be discharged for more than a day.

The main objectives of security tasks are:

  • Define the existing risks in the workplace.
  • Analyze the nature of the risks and the measures to be taken to neutralize them
  • Correct the situation and make the indicated improvements.
  • Check that the measures are adequate and that they produce the desired effect.
  • Control the appearance of new risks.

The measures for the construction sector must be different from those necessary in another sector with less risk.


What should you do?

Periodically review your work habits to detect possible actions that may generate risks.

Get involved in Occupational Risk Prevention at your center.

Use the tools and work equipment appropriate to the job you are going to do and for which they have been designed. Respect the instructions for use and maintenance. If you detect anomalies in any machine or tool during its operation, handling or visual inspection, inform the Head of Occupational Health and Safety in the center.

Use those personal protective equipment (gloves, helmet, ear protectors, …) that are necessary to protect yourself from the risks to which you are exposed.

What not to do

  • Do not store objects in transit areas, escape routes, or in places that make access to fire fighting equipment difficult.
  • Never remove the protections or defeat the safety devices of the work equipment.
  • Do not overload or tamper with the electrical installation.
  • Do not store or handle flammable products near a heat source.
  • Do not smoke, drink or drink if you work with chemicals or are exposed to biological contaminants.
  • Job


  • Observe and assess the situation before acting.
  • Act quickly, but always remain calm.
  • Do not move the injured person if it is not essential.
  • Examine the wounded man very carefully.
  • We will intervene only if we know how to act.
  • Never feed or drink to a victim who is unconscious.
  • Loosen clothing that oppresses and shelter the injured if necessary.
  • Reassure the wounded, transmitting security in our actions.
  • You should be treated, not transferred, urgently.
  • When you help you must protect yourself: always wear gloves if you anticipate contact with blood.
  • Keep curious people away and avoid crowds. Organize by giving precise instructions.
  • Accident


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