Tuesday 1 September 2020

Here Comes the Sun(Flowers) – fANNEtastic food

This is random, but I feel like we could all use something cheerful, so: check out these insanely tall sunflowers Riese and I spotted on one of our walks!

Aren’t they pretty? They are legit 15 feet tall. Riese is fascinated by them and so am I! 

It was finally a bit cooler yesterday, so I spent pretty much the entire day outside. The day started with an early outdoor yoga class with my friend Chelsea.

outdoor yoga

Longtime readers will remember that Chelsea and I (and usually our friend Kathleen) used to meet up every single week in the early morning for a workout class (or two). We’ve been doing weekly workouts together since 2013 and it was always one of my favorite parts of the week, but obviously in March that came to a screeching halt. 

This was the first time I’d seen Chelsea since March and it was such a treat to get to go to a class together again!

masked up

We grabbed a quick outdoor breakfast from Stomping Ground after yoga, too – I love their breakfast grain bowl. 

breakfast from stomping ground

Once I got back home, Matt, Riese, and I headed out for a little hike to take advantage of the nice day.

The cooler, lower humidity weather has me getting soooo excited for fall! I’m not quite ready to break out all things pumpkin just yet, but soon. 🙂 I think I’ll start with my Pumpkin Pie Oatmeal or Gluten Free Spiced Pumpkin Pancake… both old faves! 

Riese is still really into throwing rocks into streams, so we did a bit of that and a bit of hiking around, too! 

toddler throwing rocks into a stream

Lunch was some random leftovers, and for dinner we had my parents over for an outdoor grilled steak + taco salad night. Hit the spot, and was great to see them!

steak and taco salad

The rest of the weekend was really stormy/rainy – Friday night in particular there was a MASSIVE thunderstorm so we decided a cozy pizza night in was in order.

pizza and salad

On Saturday, we had a rainy farmers’ market outing. 

del ray farmers market

We picked up a couple more cantaloupes, a small watermelon, some apples and peaches, tomato, peppers, and some goat cheese. As excited as I am for fall, I will be sad to say goodbye to such amazing summer produce!

veggies and fruit from the farmers market

I made really yummy Greek salads for a light lunch with all our fresh produce. Tomato + pepper + cucumber + olives + feta + olive oil + lemon juice. So delicious. 

homemade Greek salad

I’ll see you back here on Wednesday with some sports nutrition fun!

Are you ready to embrace all things pumpkin yet? Or are you on team “too soon”? 🙂

source https://betterweightloss.info/here-comes-the-sunflowers-fannetastic-food/

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