Tuesday 1 September 2020

Your September 2020 Wellness Horoscopes Are Here

Hi all! I know it’s been a challenging year for most, to say the least. Still, I’m all about celebrating the small wins when you can. And that brings me right to one good reason to break out the bubbly: We’ve made it to the one-year anniversary of HUM’s foray into zodiac zen!

To quote a certain Canadian chanteuse, “looks like we made it / look how far we’ve come, my baby.” And to borrow from her once more, I’m gonna getcha good with your September 2020 wellness horoscopes. As always, check out both your sun and rising signs.

But before then, I’d like to thank new and seasoned astrohackers alike for joining me on this wonderful yet not-always-easy ride towards introspection, self-development, and self-care, as guided by the skies above. I’d call you my rock, but I’ll consider you my moon and my stars instead.

Cheers to many happy days, months, and years ahead. Now for the good stuff!

Note: The moon officially goes full in the wee hours of September 2. If you want to get to your full moon rituals on September 1 instead, do your thing!

September 2020 Wellness Horoscopes


I know I’ve said that you should view Mars (action + your ruler) in Aries as the green light to charge ahead. But if you’ve been a diligent astrohacker (I’m so proud!) and have been giving it 100 the past few months, slow your roll as September begins. Listen to—rather than fight off—your body when it tells you that you need rest. Keep regular hours, hit the hay early, and allow yourself to take momentary breaks. Remember: Burnout isn’t your friend. Next, from early-to-mid September, you might face an annoying surprise expense. Double-check your bank statements, bills, and fine print. If the charge is undebatable, pay it and move on. There’s a good chance you’re better equipped than usual to subdue any flames before you’re left with scorched earth. Ask your friends and fam; they probably notice your cooler demeanor. Bravo! Last but not least, with Mars retrograde starting September 9, keep any brilliant initiatives under wraps.

Taurus bull symbol on purple and blue starry background


In the dating doldrums? If so, consider the September 2 full moon your cosmic matchmaker. While this full moon will be in Pisces, it also has a Uranian element, meaning your love prospects may be atypical. Perhaps your dream boo will appear as if through thin air or a former/hoped-for paramour goes back on the market. Maybe you’ll even get over an ex with shocking finality. If you’re dating virtually, catch your best light and enjoy the supremely sexy mood. Venus in Leo starting September 6 augments this new, refreshing chapter. (Not down to date? All the more power to you! Live your best single life with gusto.) Lastly, the same home-happy vibes from August resurface by month’s end. Give your space a Taurean touch-up, even if you plan to relocate. Earthy patchouli and ylang-ylang can delight the Bull’s senses, while small pink accents will add liveliness and whimsy.

Gemini twins symbol on purple and blue starry background


During the first week of September, you may feel as though you’re bearing the brunt of others’ misjudgments and misplaced angst. Sure, it’s neither cool nor fun to be the target of needless aggressions. Still, don’t bend over backwards to appease them if instigators stay stubborn and hot-headed. As long as you’re okay with your words/actions and have a steady grip on reality, that should be enough for you. In sum, their mental labyrinths aren’t worth the time and effort to decode. (Tip: Continue this disengagement as needed through Mars retrograde from mid-September through mid-November.) Thankfully, by that weekend, Mercury in Libra (fellow air sign) and Venus in Leo kick off better vibes. In fact, you’ll feel more friendly and flirty than you have in recent memory, making a happy and harmonized Gem. Fly away and enjoy the good times, you social butterfly!

Cancer crab symbol on purple and blue starry background


Cancers rule over the home and are the symbolic mothers of the zodiac. In turn, this indicates that you seek stability in placid, known waters. Yet as the saying goes, the greater the risk, the greater the reward. As the month begins and through the September 17 new moon, try to get out of your comfort zone and shake things up a bit. Whether you adopt a new healthy habit you’d never considered or consciously take a fresh perspective on a given matter, you’ll be pleased to find that this new territory is actually pretty stellar. Better yet, you could even get the extra oomph you need to break a longstanding bad habit or cut the cord on a frustrating work scenario. This empowering, proactive boost is yours for the taking. Lastly, come Mars retrograde starting September 9 for two months, let bygones be bygones and be cool and measured when facing any provocations.

Leo lion symbol on purple and blue starry background


Are you allowing aggravations and aggressors to make your blood boil? While it’s often counterintuitive to tame your flame, from one Lion to another, I urge you to try. Anger impacts both your heart health and immunity—and you want to live a full, fabulous life, don’t you? Now change that “grrr” to a gentle purr. Now, on to bigger and better. With Venus (love, beauty) in your sign starting September 6 for four weeks, it’s prime time to embody your charming (not alarming!) Big Leo Energy. Dedicate time to those you love and appreciate most. You’ll also feel enlivened to tap into the Lion’s lair of creativity, passion, style, and self-expression. When in doubt, embrace anything and everything pertaining to light: Wake up at sunrise, burn your favorite candle, or find more ways—sex, vitamins, or both—to glow from within.

Virgo virgin woman symbol on purple and blue starry background


Happy birthday season! As September kicks off, paired-up Virgos will only have eyes for their boo. Set the stage for a romantic September 2 full moon, or a relaxing self-care experience if solo. (If you’re single and looking, wait out for mid-month; your true love sector will light up and suggests a chance encounter with a dapper, dreamy prospect.) Seek out calming vibes by getting some fresh air and going near water. If you’re staying home, perhaps improvise with a luxurious bath while listening to the soothing sounds of waves softly crashing ashore. At the same time, the first few days of the month could also be excellent for work prospects. Someone may approach you who could augment your professional status or reach. Take the help/offer if it’s legit and amenable, especially if you need to plump up your purse. Your cash should climb by month’s end.

Libra scales symbol on purple and blue starry background


With Mercury in your sign from September 6 through 27, you luckily don’t have to hold out until birthday season for benefits. Waiting for a big reveal of sorts, or otherwise just yearning to turn small talk into medium talk? During this time frame, curiosities and communication should both clear up and prove rewarding. Yet if someone still pushes your buttons, you’ll be poised to better detach yourself from their mayhem. Create boundaries, then if need be, walk away. Truth be told, you’ve probably been bearing the brunt of the authoritarian Saturn-Pluto vibes the most since January. That said, it’s okay to be a bit selfish in order to protect yourself, especially when it comes to people who try to steal your sunshine. Meanwhile, I recommend de-stressing with food and investing in a foam roller to release stagnant energy. Also, get some good old-fashioned fresh air! (Remember that?)

Scorpio scorpion symbol on purple and blue starry background


Been feeling a bit scatterbrained or unable to connect with others over the past few months? It’s not you, it’s Jupiter and Saturn retrograde in your communication sector. However, don’t fret: Jupiter goes direct mid-month. Take this as your cue to get your swagger back and/or breathe new life into treasured relationships. Next, with a highlight this month on your health, think about your wellness goals and get to achieving them, stat. Learn what supplements you should take or integrate new daily rituals (journaling, breathing exercises, etc.) to feel your best. Bonus: All of the present go-getting Aries energy should give you an energetic boost. Overall, your direction for the month is to move, groove, and arise from any lingering funks. Continue this theme during Mars retrograde (September 9 through November 13) to close out 2020 on the upswing.

Sagittarius archer symbol on purple and blue starry background


Have you been everyone’s go-to gal/guy or the first shoulder to cry on? If so, your generosity doesn’t go unnoticed by worthy recipients. But in the first week of September specifically, be sure to go easy on yourself and not set yourself up for unrealistic, Deepak Chopra–caliber healing powers. You’re only one person, and can only do so much. That said, from September 6, Mercury in Libra and Venus in Leo are amenable for socially-inclined Archers. Finally, you’ll be the one who feels heard, and you’ll be on a level-playing field with kindred spirits. Still, all things considered, be sure to take time for yourself to regroup and rejuvenate. No matter how hectic life gets, a bit of dedicated self-care goes a long way. Lastly, think back to February 2020: Any yet-to-be-iterated goals/plans you made around then take on a new form. Re-strategize and rewards will come.

Capricorn goat symbol on purple and blue starry background


Pat yourself on the back for how much you’ve grown and accomplished since I shared you’d be the celestial favorite of 2020. Sure, all things considered, things may not have been a walk in the park this year. But chances are you have more to congratulate yourself for than you realize—and there’s more to come from late-September forward. Bonus: Saturn (your ruler) goes direct on September 29, setting a clear path for your ascent this autumn. But before then, you’ll have to navigate your way through some red tape. Your to-do list might pile up, you’ll be the lead for what seems like every project ever, etc. Since you may struggle with insomnia as a result, arm yourself with expert-advised smart-sleep tips. If anyone can bite off more than they can chew with aplomb, it’s a Cap—yet I’d also advise box breathing to tone things down if/when you start to feel the heat.

Aquarius water bearer symbol on purple and blue starry background


Aquarians typically like to break the mold and expand their mind into new dimensions. However, being a visionary 24/7 is no easy feat—and you need to allow yourself to have some light-hearted fun, too. Keep this in mind as September 2020 kicks off. Give your brain a break and allow yourself to indulge elsewhere. Shop for a new serum to up-level your skincare regimen, freeze DIY popsicles to bid adieu to summer, and/or binge watch a guilty pleasure show of your choosing. TLDR: Loosen up! Even better, Mercury in fellow air-sign Libra will provide cozy-yet-measured headspace. Next, you may have been feeling a bit more secluded than you’d like. But by September 20, with Venus in Leo aligning with fiery phenoms like Mars, you’ll attract the high-energy, presence-making types you need to boost your mojo (whether IRL or on-screen).

Pisces fish symbol on purple and blue starry background


You have several reasons to enjoy the September 2 full moon in your sign. First, something you’ve been working on or dreaming up may culminate by the weekend. You could also get surprising news that’ll allow you to share your expertise with a wider audience. Your right-hand man/woman, whether in business or in love, will support you and cheer you on as each development unfolds. Still, especially once Mars retrogrades from mid-September through mid-November, money could be tight, or you may be hit with an unforeseen expense. Consider drafting up a tighter budgeting plan to offset any stress. It may help to hobnob with VIPs around September 20, who could help augment your career/financial prospects. (In the meantime, feel free to take cues from an RD’s $50 weekly grocery haul.) Lastly, during Mars retro, keep your emotions and overshares in check to stay on a path towards prosperity.

source https://betterweightloss.info/your-september-2020-wellness-horoscopes-are-here/

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