Thursday 31 December 2020

Mark Wahlberg’s 8 Fitness Tips to Get Back in Shape in 2021

2020 has been a strange, stressful year for everyone; but for those of you looking to boost your mood, it’s time to get moving. Exercise has been proven as one of the most effective ways to improve mental health by releasing feel-good endorphins––something we could all use more of right now.

I’ve been working out for as long as I can remember, but like everyone else, some days are easier than others to get moving. Though regardless of where you are on your fitness journey, it’s critically important to make your health a priority. And with 2021 already on our doorstep, now is the perfect time to gear up and jump back on the fitness train.

To help convert your resolutions into reality and kick-start a healthier New Year, I’ve put together a list of my top fitness tips below. Remember, its best to start small so that you wake up the next day feeling tired and good about yourself, but not so sore that you start making excuses and stop exercising.

Movement builds momentum and setting goals and tracking your progress is key. With Performance Inspired Nutrition, I love seeing all of the pictures from customers showcasing their pride in working out. Last year, we invested in a gym chain from Australia, F45, and I cannot tell you how inspired I get seeing others take charge of their health and wellness.

I love to mix up my workouts to challenge myself and keep it interesting. I have become addicted to the F45 High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) and added that to my weight training. This year I also added a lot of indoor cycling and trail riding for my very physically challenging role in Arthur the King that we start filming in January.  Shocking the body and changing up the workouts helps keep me in top shape and making improvements. I listen to my body and rest when I need it, but I also work through mild injuries with my massage gun by Power-Plate and step up my usage of our Branch Chain Aminos (BCAA) to help with recovery. Nutrition is always key; you cannot outwork the fork!

Mark Wahlberg working out in a F45 gym. Broadimage/Shutterstock

Nutrition is essential to feeling great and I’ve found it’s helpful to begin getting in the habit of looking at food as healthy fuel. I moved to my Performance Inspired plant-based protein in 2020 and a mostly plant diet, which has helped with my overall health. Every workout starts with my Pre-Workout to ensure I get the most out of my gym time, and every workout ends with a protein shake (within 20 minutes of finishing my routine) to refuel my depleted muscles. I use many of my products and as I get older, I rely on our all-natural products and a super clean diet to keep feeling great. Moderation is key and I adjust my eating and treating myself to achieve an optimal balance.

Listening to changes in your body and taking action to change your diet, taking a rest day, working around an injured body part or even seeing a doctor to properly evaluate an injury is critical to avoid long-term injuries. Following these eight fitness and health tips will help you stay on track and ready to keep charging into the New Year.

My Top Tips for Getting Back in Shape in 2021

  1. Get started – Stop making excuses and waiting for the perfect month or day to start––today is the perfect day!  Join a gym, start walking, watch your diet, and make your health and fitness a priority! In three months, you will be glad you started!
  2. Set a baseline – Look in the mirror, snap some pictures, record your measurements, set goals in writing, and start a fitness log. Using a fitness tracking device and sharing your goals with friends and family are also proven ways to help you stay on track. Signing up to run your first marathon or vowing to hit the gym seven days a week may happen down the road, but stick to something simple when starting out—like working out 2-3 times a week for 30 minutes. Eventually, you will build up to more challenging goals as you make progress.
  3. Do not let excuses overpower your commitment to getting healthy – If you cheat on your diet or miss a few days working out, get back at it!  Your mind is your most powerful workout tool.
  4. View nutrition as fuel – So many people offset a great workout by overeating and eating high sugar food as a reward for the workout. Moderation is key and start reading labels on the foods you eat; you will be surprised at the sugar and artificial ingredients in popular foods!
  5. Listen to your body – Rest as needed but do not fall back into bad habits! Falling off the diet or workout regimen is NOT a reason to give up. You are the CEO of your health, so stay focused and keep yourself on track.
  6. Variety will help keep you motivated – Change-up your workouts with HIIT training, cycling, lifting, hiking, etc. Working out can be fun and soon you will hate missing even one workout or overeating junk food!
  7. Surround yourself with healthy choices – Take that blender out from under the counter and leave it out. Make low-sugar, high-protein smoothies instead of grabbing something unhealthy when you are hungry and lazy. Check recipes for smoothies as meal replacements and better meal preparations. I keep protein bars handy and travel with my supplements and everything I need to stay on track when I am running around. It takes some extra planning, but it’s worth it.
  8. Celebrate starting and take pride in your progress – Share both your progress and struggles to help keep you on track. Join and follow fitness groups on social media and post up those selfies, diet tips and workouts. The fitness community is so engaged and supportive that you’ll stay inspired seeing others making progress! It also inspires others to see your fitness journey and that’s a great feeling. It’s proven that sharing your goals makes you more likely to keep reaching for them, so don’t be afraid to post about your healthy habits and ambitions on social media and tell your friends and family––you may even inspire them or find a workout buddy!

I hope my tips will help inspire you to be better! While it’s nice to put 2020 behind us, we have learned that prioritizing our health and wellness is critical for our immune systems and being healthy is a gift we have to work for. Share your healthy journey with me and Performance Inspired––let’s make 2021 the best year possible!

Mark Wahlberg is an actor, producer, and businessman.  Mark co-founded the all-natural active lifestyle nutrition company Performance Inspired and Municipal, a Sport Utility Gear & Apparel Company and a production company Unrealistic Ideas.  He is also an investor/owner/partner in F45 Gyms, Power Plate Massagers, and of course he co-founded Wahlburgers restaurants with his brothers.  Look for WahlStreet on HBO-Max in 2021 that will showcase all of Mark’s business dealing!   

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F45 Training (@f45_training) • Instagram photos and videos

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New Year Party-Best Alcohol Options For Weight Watchers

New Year Party-Best Alcohol Options For Weight Watchers

OMG! What is happening to IWB? Why have these people started talking about alcohol of late? If this is what you are thinking right now then I have a few more questions for you.

  • Are you planning on some alcohol or alcohol based drinks?
  • Are you on a weight loss journey?
  • Finally, are you worried about your calorie intake on new years party?

If your answers are in positive then please read on, this post is meant for you.

We at IWB intend guiding you and mentoring you all for aiming good health. Some time back we had posted a review of McDowell’s No.1 Diet Mate whisky, not with an intention to make the sobers start drinking, but to help you find out the pros and cons of what you are consuming and suggesting some ways to enjoy whatever you are taking in.

Is it all about calories and carbohydrates?

Alcohol for the calorie consciousWe keep reading about red wine that it is okay, rather healthy to have a glass of Red wine daily. If you too follow this advice and make it a point to consume a glass of wine daily without fail because it is good for your heart, I have some information for you.

If we consider the actual calories in a glass of red wine, which is no lesser than 6-8 ounces so that one glass of wine contains about 110 calories. Now one good thing is there for all those who are cautious about Carb intake that there are very few carbohydrates in the wine, just around 5 grams in a glass (though if you are on a Ketogenic Diet then you are in trouble dear.) Anyhow, my point is something else. When wine is made from grapes, the fruit sugars are converted into alcohol. Now that simply means that a shot of tequila is equal to a whole glass of wine, so that gives you an advantage over tequila. So now what! Are you deciding to have that glass of wine on new years? But here is something else that is important to understand. Do you understand that alcohol itself contains about seven calories for each gram? Now if are in a mood to calculate, do it. Result in brief is that alcohol calories make it double in calories than carbohydrates. And what nutrition do these calories bring into your life? None. Wine might give you some benefit from he grapes present in it but drinking a big glass of red wine daily will mean consuming over 1000 extra empty calories per week. Now the result you don’t have to guess, a fat gain of many pounds on a yearly basis.

The calories that come into play in alcohols is through caramel in it. Sugar is a killer and we have already discussed a lot about the harm effects of sugar on IWB (Read here) Now please do not come to the conclusion and say that you would never ever drink because that is simply impossible. Today it always pays to be a social drinker and is normal for everyone to drink alcohol once in a while. So thinking practically here are a few tips for your new years party but before that take a peek at the calorie content of different types of alcohol.

Alcohols and their calories

alcohol for health conscious

Whiskey (1 fl oz)

  • Calories: 70
  • Carbs: 0 grams
  • Fat: 0 grams
  • Protein: 0 grams

Champagne (4.2 ounce glass)

  • Calories: 95
  • Carbs: 1.6 grams
  • Fat: 0 grams
  • Protein: 0.3 grams

Red or White Wine (4.2 ounce glass)

  • Calories: 80
  • Carbs: 1.5 gram
  • Fat: 0 grams
  • Protein: 0 grams

VODKA (1 fl oz)

  • Calories: 64
  • Carbs: 0 grams
  • Fat: 0 grams
  • Protein: 0 grams

Rum (1 fl oz)

  • Calories: 64
  • Carbs: 0 grams
  • Fat: 0 grams
  • Protein: 0 grams

Beer (1 can)

  • Calories: 134
  • Carbs: 13 grams
  • Fat: 0 grams
  • Protein: 1.6 grams

Light Beer (12 ounce bottle)

  • Calories: 110
  • Carbs: 4.5 grams
  • Fat: 0 grams
  • Protein: 0 grams

Gin (1 fl oz)

  • Calories: 73
  • Carbs: 0 grams
  • Fat: 0 grams
  • Protein: 0 grams

Tips for enjoying a drink


After going through the basics of calories and carbs in common alcohols, you can easily choose your poison. If you are not a regular drinker then there is no harm in trying a bit of alcohol in new years party but before that read a few important tips here.

  • Moderation and dilution are the keys

Dilute alcohol with diet soda. Though we don’t recommend artificial sweeteners yet that is the only way to reduce overall caloric intake. Stay in moderation.

Use lots and lots of ice. It will help you drink less in more time and help dilute your drink. Moreover, it will make your drink look extra big without adding extra calories.

If you have an option to choose between fruit juice and soda in a cocktail, it would be better to choose fruit juice, though that will increase calories and carbs.

It is always better to avoid salty snacks. They’ll make you want to drink more. Best snack is roasted peanuts and grills.

When in the bar remember you are there to enjoy the drink or a company of a particular person. So try to drink slowly to enjoy the moments. Savoring a drink will reduce overconsumption.

New Year Party-Best Alcohol Options For Weight Watchers

  • Choose the costliest drink

I feel this is the best way to avoid overconsumption of liquor. Pick the costliest of the drinks and sip it as slowly as possible. That way you will enjoy the top of the shelf drink and stay under control too.

Drink as much water as possible.  Ideal is to have two drinks of water for every one drink of alcohol.

So dear ones, get ready to enjoy your new years eve party, armed with all the details and I bet your new year bash will never go wrong.

Which Alcohol for the calorie-conscious are you going to choose for this new year party?

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Air Fryer Frozen Chicken Wings

Can you air fry frozen chicken wings? Yes! Follow this recipe to make the best air fryer frozen chicken wings around! These healthy keto Buffalo wings come out crispy without deep frying. This is pretty much the easiest recipe for making Buffalo wings from scratch at home. You and your family will LOVE having these air fryer chicken wings for dinner. They are absolutely mouthwatering! 

air fryer chicken wings

Have a hankering for some wings? You NEED to air fry Buffalo chicken wings.  

This recipe will change your life, my friends. (Ok, ok, that’s a bit of an exaggeration. But you’re going to be amazed at the magic that happens when you cook frozen chicken wings in an air fryer.) 

Typically, Buffalo wings are deep-fried into crispy goodness and then bathed in a vinegar-based hot sauce with melted butter. When you air fry chicken wings, you get Buffalo wings that are delightfully crispy without deep-frying. It’s a lighter, lower-calorie version of one of the best chicken wing flavors around.  

And if you aren’t into the health stuff, no worries. These keto chicken wings are so, so delicious. Between the crispy chicken wing, peppery Buffalo sauce, and cooling dressing, there is layer upon layer of flavor to savor. 

This is seriously one of my favorite easy dinner recipes of all time. I am not lying when I say I would buy an air fryer just to make this recipe regularly. It’s just that good. 

Jump to:

Keto Buffalo Chicken Wing Nutrition and Benefits 

Most people don’t need to be convinced to eat chicken wings, as a plate of delicious and well-made wings can be hard to resist! I know I always miss them when we haven’t had them in a while. 

But what if you’re a bit of a weirdo and need convincing that chicken wings are good? Haha In that case, here are some reasons why you might fall in love with this low carb Buffalo wings recipe. 

  • These wings are baked, not fried. Using an air fryer to cook frozen raw chicken wings is kind of like cooking them in a convection oven. The rapid air circulation helps the skin to cook up nice and crispy without deep frying. The resulting chicken wings are lower in calories and added oil than classic Buffalo wings. 
  • Buffalo wings are keto friendly, which is great news for our low carb friends. Any diet that completely eliminates chicken wings is not a diet worth doing in my book. This recipe might make you feel bummed out for those with other dietary restrictions. 
  • It’s an easy weeknight dinner idea, perfect for when you are busy. Clean-up is simple; you’ll only need to wash the air fryer trays and a small pot for the Buffalo sauce.  
  • Your family will love it! Crisp chicken wings smothered in hot Buffalo sauce tend to be a crowd pleaser. If you’re looking for something tasty and comforting, this one’s a great choice. 

Air Fryer Frozen Chicken Wings Ingredients 

Here’s the roundup of what your need to make healthy air fryer Buffalo chicken wings: 

  • Frozen bone-in chicken wings (don’t miss my recommendations below!) 
  • Baking powder 
  • Chili powder 
  • Garlic powder 
  • Cooking oil spray of choice 
  • Butter 
  • Frank’s RedHot Sauce (or your favorite wing sauce) 
  • Carrot sticks 
  • Celery sticks 
  • No sugar added ranch dressing, for dipping (bleu cheese dressing may also be used) 

I get my frozen chicken wings from Trader Joe’s. They are a perfect food to put in your air fryer! The wings come in a 2-pound package, with the calories listed at 210 per 4 ounces. 

The label lists 4.5 servings per bag. Thus, they do not appear to be including the bones in their calculations. 

I’ve noticed that the wings I’ve purchased from other stores tend to be fattier and include more skin. If you do not have a Trader Joe’s, I recommend trimming some of the fat and skin from your wings. This will reduce the calories of the recipe and help you get delicious results that are similar to mine. 

For kitchen equipment, you will need an air fryer or air fryer oven. I use a 10-Quart Kalorik Digital Air Fryer Oven for my air fryer recipes, and I am mildly obsessed with it.  

I continue to be amazed at the versatility of dishes that I can create with this nifty kitchen appliance. It is a dream for those of us that love the crispiness of fried food but want to cut back on added oils. 

Playing around with new kitchen gadgets is one of the ways I remain motivated to cook more at home. If you haven’t tried air fryer recipes yet, this recipe for air frying frozen chicken wings is a great place to start! 

What is the best hot sauce for Buffalo wings? 

The best wing sauce will depend on your tastes and what you are looking for! Since I don’t know your taste buds, I’m going to cover wing sauce nutrition here. 

You need a vinegar-based cayenne pepper sauce for Buffalo wings. There are a lot of choices, many listed as “0” calories.  

Frank’s RedHot Original lists zero calories per teaspoon and 190mg of sodium. Here is the ingredients list for this condiment: 

  • Aged Cayenne Red Peppers 
  • Distilled Vinegar 
  • Water 
  • Salt  
  • Garlic Powder 

There is another product, Frank’s RedHot Buffalo Wing Sauce, that is very similar. This sauce lists zero calories per tablespoon, with 460mg of sodium. Here are the ingredients for this sauce: 

  • Distilled Vinegar 
  • Aged Cayenne Red Peppers 
  • Salt 
  • Water 
  • Canola Oil 
  • Paprika 
  • Xanthan Gum 
  • Natural Butter Type Flavor 
  • Garlic Powder 

Neither sauce actually has zero calories, but they are allowed to round down if they contain under five calories per serving. I often see sauces and seasonings with sugar and added oils that are listed as zero calories. (Another example is oil spray, an ingredient in this air fryer recipe.) 

Of the two sauces listed above, I’d consider Frank’s RedHot Original the “better” choice. It has no added oil, unlike the wing sauce, and no additives that push it into ultra-processed foods territory. 

Canola oil is a whopping 120 calories per tablespoon. I’m thinking the “zero-calorie” wing sauce with added oil must come extremely close to the under 5-calorie cut off. Indeed, Frank’s RedHot Hot Buffalo Wings sauce has an identical ingredients list and is labeled as five calories per serving. 

One more option to look into is the Noble Made Buffalo Wing Sauce. Their medium sauce contains extra virgin olive oil and is 15 calories per tablespoon with 400mg sodium. We enjoyed this sauce too! 

keto Buffalo wings

How to Cook Frozen Chicken Wings in Air Fryer 

Here’s how to make keto buffalo wings in the air fryer. It’s a lot less messy than deep frying! 

For the best results, I recommend sticking your frozen chicken wings in the refrigerator for a day or two to (mostly) thaw. It’s fine if they are a little icy (mine usually are). However, for more even cooking, you don’t want them stuck frozen together. 

For perfectly crispy wings, air needs to be able to circulate around each wing as it air fries. Cooking frozen wings in the air fryer is possible, but make sure your wings are broken apart! (Note: if your wings are completely frozen, that will lengthen the cooking time of this recipe.) 

Start by stirring the baking powder with the chili powder and garlic powder. Put your chicken wings in a medium-sized bowl. Sprinkle the baking powder mixture over the wings, and stir to combine well. 

The baking powder is important to help the wings crisp up. I used a similar principle to help the pork belly skin get crispy in my (super delicious!) Air Fryer Pork Belly recipe. 

Next, lightly mist your air fryer baking trays with cooking spray. Spread your chicken wings in a single layer on the trays. Mist the wings with the cooking spray. 

My air fryer has two racks, and I needed to use both for all of the wings. If you have a smaller air fryer with a basket, you may need to air fry the chicken wings in two batches.  

Air Fryer Frozen Chicken Wings Temperature 

Bake the wings in your air fryer for 15 minutes at 250 degrees Fahrenheit. Then switch the position of the air fryer racks in your oven and bake for an additional 15 minutes at 400 degrees Fahrenheit.  

Now, flip all of the chicken wings over and switch the position of the trays in the air fryer once more. Bake an additional 10 minutes at 400 degrees Fahrenheit. Take a moment to admire how crispy and golden your cooked chicken wings are. Ooooooh! 

keto air fried chicken wings

How to Make Buffalo Wing Sauce (the easy way) 

While your chicken is air frying, melt the butter in a small saucepan on the stovetop. Add the Frank’s RedHot sauce (or your sauce of choice) and stir until thoroughly combined. 

When your chicken wings are done cooking, use tongs to dip each crispy chicken piece in the wing sauce mixture. Make sure each piece of chicken is entirely coated with the hot sauce.  

I usually pour any leftover sauce directly on the dipped wings. It’s messy but delicious! 

Expert Tips from a Dietitian 

This is a level 2 recipe (transition or weight maintenance). A serving of wings, dressing, and veggies makes a nice moderate calorie meal. The downside is that hot sauce is often very high in sodium. As such, this recipe is not a good choice for those on low-sodium diets.  

On the other hand, those on keto diets often experience increased electrolyte loss as a side effect of the diet. Some on very low carbohydrate diets may benefit from increasing their sodium intake. This keto buffalo wings recipe can help. 

If you don’t have a sodium restriction and are looking to lose weight, this meal is likely lower in calories than Buffalo wings from a restaurant. It’s true that these wings are similar to restaurant chicken wings in terms of sodium. However, they are not deep-fried, and there is not an endless amount of them! 

We have some great local restaurants with deals on all-you-can-eat chicken wings. If you’re trying to maintain a healthy weight, I highly recommend staying out of buffets as much as possible. I know I find it difficult to eat reasonable portions in that situation. 

I think it may be especially tricky for those of us who are budget conscious. All of that additional food is free, right?!? Woohoo, free! 

Unfortunately, the “savings” may not be worth it. I’ve found that visiting buffets makes it far more challenging to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Though I’ve saved on food in the short-term, it may end up costing me more (wellness-wise) in the long run. 

You can still catch me at a buffet once in a great while on holiday or vacation. Most days, however, you’ll find me making my own meals. Even if it’s not “all-you-can-eat,” the portion sizes in U.S. restaurants are often excessively large.  

What are some good sides for Buffalo wings? 

Creamy dressing plus carrot and celery sticks are the BEST side dishes for Buffalo wings! This is non-negotiable in our household. Blue cheese or ranch dressing are common dips for chicken wings. 

wings with Buffalo sauce and carrots and celery

My son doesn’t care for blue cheese dressing, so we tend to stick with ranch. You can make the homemade ranch dressing from my air fryer breaded mushrooms recipe, or try Tessemae’s Creamy Ranch Dressing for a store-bought shortcut. Primal Kitchen Ranch is an option for those who prefer a dressing that is less creamy with more sharpness from vinegar. 

Frequently Asked Questions 

How many calories in chicken wings? 

The calories in a chicken wing will depend on how it is cooked and the dry rub or wing sauce used. There are 418 calories per serving in this Buffalo wing recipe. There are about 70 calories in one Buffalo wing (using this recipe). 

How many carbs are in Buffalo wings? 

These wings are low-carb, but are these air fryer frozen chicken wings keto? As discussed above, the answer is a giant YES. One serving of these Buffalo chicken wings provides only 0.5 grams of net carbs per serving. This will be a good fit for nearly all very low carb diets or keto diets. 

How do you know when air fryer frozen chicken wings are fully cooked? 

To determine whether your frozen chicken wings are fully cooked, it’s best to use a food thermometer. Fully cooked chicken should reach a safe minimum internal temperature of 165 degrees Fahrenheit. If the wings are not at this temperature, you should keep cooking! 

Will chicken wings ruin an air fryer? 

No, you should have no problems cooking chicken wings in an air fryer. I have never had any issues cooking chicken wings in the air fryer.  

I prefer to use the air fryer to get the wings crispy, and then dunk them in warmed sauce after cooking. Keeping the sauce out of the air fryer minimizes the potential for mess. 

I like my chicken wings done extra crispy. Is it extra unhealthy? 

The nice thing about air frying is that you can make your wings as crispy as you like without additional oil. Just keep cooking until they reach your ideal version of crisp perfection! 

If you’re using batter on the wings or deep frying them to get them extra crispy, those would be less healthy options. I’ve read that chicken wings don’t absorb much oil when deep fried. However, with air frying you don’t need the oil and some fat from the chicken drips away while cooking. 

Why are buffalo wings called buffalo wings? Buffalos don’t have wings! 

Ha ha! True, true. Buffalo wings are actually named for Buffalo, NY, as the Anchor Bar in Buffalo is home to the original Buffalo wing. My family loves to add food tourism into our travels, and let me tell ya, Anchor Bar wings are the BEST! 

Are hot wings and buffalo wings the same thing? 

Buffalo wings are traditionally served hot, but you can usually order milder versions if you can’t take the heat. Hot wings, on the other hand, are pretty much always very fiery. With hot wings, you know what you’re getting! 

How should Buffalo wings be reheated so they are crispy, crunchy, and saucy? 

According to the Buffalo Wild Wings website, you can reheat wings in an oven preheated to 350 degrees Fahrenheit. Reheating times may vary. The important thing is that the leftover wings reach an internal temperature of 165 degrees Fahrenheit. Some sources say this will take 10-20 minutes. 

It’s better if you can reheat wings without sauce. If they already have sauce on them, you may want to toss them with a little additional sauce after heating. Sometimes the sauce on the wings dries out with reheating. 

You can also reheat chicken wings in an air fryer. Try air frying the chicken wings at 360 degrees Fahrenheit for approximately 10 minutes. Again, you need to make sure leftover wings reach an internal temperature of 165F. 

Other Air Fryer Frozen Food Recipes That You May Enjoy 

Air fryers aren’t just for air fryer wings! Try cooking other frozen foods in an air fryer. I think you’re going to be pleased with the results. 

But what frozen foods should you air fry? Try starting with these air fryer recipes: 

Dont forget to subscribe to our Weekly Newsletter to be kept up-to-date on all of the latest and greatest recipes! You can follow me on PinterestTwitter, and Instagram! 

And now for the disclaimer… 

All recipes on this website may or may not be appropriate for you, depending on your medical needs and personal preferences. Consult with a registered dietitian or your physician if you need help determining the dietary pattern that may be best for you.  

“Keto” recipes on the web may not be appropriate for those using ketogenic diets as part of their medical nutrition therapy. That includes this recipe. 

The nutrition information is an estimate provided as a courtesy. It will differ depending on the specific brands and ingredients that you use. Calorie information on food labels may be wildly inaccurate, so please don’t sweat the numbers too much. 

For more information on how the three recipe levels may help with a weight management goal, refer to my overnight oats with yogurt post. Let’s get cooking! 

📖 Recipe

air fryer frozen chicken wings

Air Fryer Frozen Chicken Wings | Keto Buffalo Wings

Summer Yule

Can you air fry frozen chicken wings? Yes! Follow this recipe to make the best air fryer frozen chicken wings around! These healthy keto Buffalo wings come out crispy without deep frying.

Cook Time 40 mins

Total Time 40 mins

Course Dinner

Cuisine American

Servings 3

Calories 418 kcal


  • 2 lbs. frozen bone-in chicken wings, thaw in fridge 1-2 days (Trader Joe’s brand, or trim some of the fat and skin from your favorite brand)
  • 1 tablespoon baking powder
  • ½ teaspoon chili powder
  • ½ teaspoon garlic powder
  • cooking oil spray of choice
  • ¾ cup Frank’s RedHot sauce (or your favorite wing sauce)
  • 3 tablespoons butter
  • 6 medium carrots, cut into sticks
  • 6 stalks celery, cut into sticks
  • 6 tablespoons ranch dressing with no added sugar (Homemade, Primal Kitchen brand, or Tessemae’s)


  • Stir the baking powder together with the chili powder and the garlic powder. Sprinkle the mixture over the (fully or partially thawed) chicken wings, and stir to combine well.

  • Lightly mist your air fryer baking racks with the cooking spray. Spread the wings in a single layer on the racks. Mist the wings with the cooking spray.

  • Bake the wings in your air fryer oven at 250°F for 15 minutes.

  • Switch the position of the trays in your oven and bake for an additional 15 minutes at 400°F.

  • Flip all of the chicken wings over and switch the position of the trays in the oven again. Bake an additional 10 minutes at 400°F. Your wings should have reached the safe minimum internal temperature of 165°F. (Use a meat thermometer if you’re unsure whether they are done cooking!)

  • While the chicken is in the air fryer, melt the butter in a small saucepan on the stovetop. Add the Frank’s RedHot and stir it well until thoroughly combined.

  • You should also cut the carrots and celery into sticks while the chicken is air frying.

  • Using tongs, dip each crispy chicken piece in the hot sauce mixture. Make sure each piece of chicken is entirely coated with the hot sauce. I usually pour any leftover sauce directly on the dipped wings. Messy and delicious! 

  • To serve: Each plate gets ⅓ of the chicken, ⅓ of the carrots, ⅓ of the celery, and 2 tablespoons of ranch dressing for dipping. Get out some napkins and enjoy that Buffalo chicken goodness.



This is a level 2 recipe (transition or weight maintenance). A serving of the wings, dressing, and veggies makes a nice moderate calorie meal. The downside is that hot sauce is often very high in sodium. As such, this recipe is not a good choice for those on low-sodium diets.  
On the other hand, those on keto diets often experience increased electrolyte loss as a side effect of the diet. Some on very low carbohydrate diets may benefit from increasing their sodium intake. This keto buffalo wings recipe can help. 
If you don’t have a sodium restriction and are looking to lose weight, this meal is likely lower in calories than Buffalo wings from a restaurant. It’s true that these wings are similar to restaurant chicken wings in terms of sodium. However, they are not deep-fried, and there is not an endless amount of them! 
We have some great local restaurants with deals on all-you-can-eat chicken wings. If you’re trying to maintain a healthy weight, I highly recommend staying out of buffets as much as possible. I know I find it difficult to eat reasonable portions in that situation. 
I think it may be especially tricky for those of us who are budget conscious. All of that additional food is free, right?!? Woohoo, free! 
Unfortunately, the “savings” may not be worth it. I’ve found that visiting buffets makes it far more challenging to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Though I’ve saved on food in the short-term, it may end up costing me more (wellness-wise) in the long run. 
You can still catch me at a buffet once in a great while on holiday or vacation. Most days, however, you’ll find me making my own meals. Even if it’s not “all-you-can-eat,” the portion sizes in U.S. restaurants are often excessively large. 
Nutrition information is for one serving of the wings only with no dressing or sides. Carbohydrates listed are net carbs (total carbs minus the fiber). 


Calories: 418kcalCarbohydrates: 0.5gProtein: 30.2gFat: 32.1gSaturated Fat: 13.8gSodium: 2499.8mgVitamin A: 34.5% DVCalcium: 5.3% DVIron: 3.7% DV

Keywords air fryer Buffalo wings, air fryer frozen chicken wings, air fryer frozen chicken wings recipe, Buffalo wings, chicken wings, frozen chicken wings, frozen chicken wings in air fryer, healthy buffalo wings, keto buffalo wings, keto buffalo wings recipe


Wednesday 30 December 2020

The 24 Hour Intermittent Fasting Method

Nearly half of the adult Americans are making attempts to lose weight each year. In between all the weight loss diets, strategies and methods out there, intermittent fasting got a lot of attention lately as an effective method for losing excess body-fat and keeping it off. 

Intermittent fasting is not actually a diet, but a tool that helps in controlling how much a person eats and triggering fat loss through timing the meals.

Many people who have tried it, say that this method was very successful in helping them lose weight and keep it off in the long run. This article shows you how to use intermittent fasting and cheating days to lose excess body fat.

Day1 to Day3: Moderate carbohydrate days

During these days the total calories consumed come from:

  • 40% of protein,
  • 40% of carbohydrates and
  • 20% fats.

The majority of carbohydrates consumed should come from complex carbohydrate sources such as brown rice, potatoes, oatmeal, whole grain bread, whole grain pasta etc.

As for the protein – it should come from clean sources such as lean meats, eggs and fish. Part of the fats will come from the protein sources itself, but you can additionally consume healthy fats from foods like avocados, nuts and seeds.

Day4:  Cheat Day

This should be a high calorie day.Weigh loss is highly dependent on hormones produced in the body and the overall hormonal balance. One hormone in particular, leptin (the lack of it), is the one that is most responsible for slowing down the metabolism during a fast.

Low leptin levels lead to an increase in hunger and a decrease in metabolic rate. High leptin levels on the other hand signal the brain that a person has eaten and lead to a decrease in hunger and an increased metabolic rate.

By having a high calorie day, leptin levels will be increased and this will help with the upcoming fast. Your metabolism will get an additional boost as well.

During the cheat day, you should increase the calories you consume on day 1 to day3 by 20-30 percent. This means your protein, carbs and fats can come from not so clean food sources and one of your meals on Day4 should be a calorie dense meal.

Day5: Fasting day

The conditions in your body are now perfect for fat loss because of the increased leptin. This day you will keep your calories very low. Some experts suggest not going over 300-500 calories in total for the whole day, while some even suggest a 24 hour fast where you are only allowed to drink plain water, coffee and tea without any sweeteners or sugar.

Day6: High Protein Day

On Day6, restrict almost all carbohydrates. This will completely deplete your carbohydrate storage again to keep your body confused. There are two variations you can use:

– No carbs at all – this is the extreme fasting version
– Little bit of carbs (about 30-50 grams) that should come from high fiber fibrous vegetables like broccoli, cabbage, spinach, kale etc…

Day7 : Start Over

The whole cycle starts all over again.

Try to do the fasting on a non workout day. As with any other diet, consult a doctor before you start the diet.


Top Recipes of 2020 | Domestic Dreamboat

2020 has been weird, stressful, and just overall not very much fun. However, it did bring a lot of good for my family. If it hadn’t been for the pandemic, we wouldn’t have had the opportunity to move back to Canada to be closer to our extended family.

2020 has also been a weird year for food, with more people being forced to prepare their food at home. While I was excited to see more people spending their ample free time learning how to bake and maintain sourdough starters, I am also looking forward to getting back into some of our favorite restaurants once it’s safe to do so.

Let’s hope 2021 brings good things, and that we are all able to leave our houses a little more.

10. Perfect Bacon Wrapped Scallops

These Perfect Bacon Wrapped Scallops are the “fancy food” I’ll make when Mr. Dreamboat and I are celebrating a special occasion, like an anniversary or New Years Eve. They seem to get lots of views during the holidays, when I assume others are also making “fancy food” and appetizers.

9. Pumpkin Spice Bran Muffins

Pumpkin Spice Bran Muffins

I love these Pumpkin Spice Bran Muffins and I make them any time I have some extra squash (pumpkin, butternut, or acorn will all work), but canned pumpkin works just as well for these flavorful muffins.

8. How to Make Dried Fruit Without a Food Dehydrator

How to Dry Prunes

Every year at the end of summer, people seem to want to learn how to make Dried Fruit without a Food Dehydrator. This post came from the lessons I learned when drying a bunch of prune plums I unthinkingly bought just before a vacation one year.

7. Small Batch Edible Cookie Dough

Small Batch Edible Cookie Dough - Domestic Dreamboat #glutenfree #cookiedough #chocolatechip

Who doesn’t love to eat raw cookie dough?? Unfortunately, due the addition of raw eggs and flour in most cookie doughs, it is not considered safe. So I created this Small Batch Edible Cookie Dough. It skips the eggs altogether, and uses safe oat flour instead of regular wheat flour (making it gluten free as well). Great for when you feel like some cookie dough, or it can be mixed in with ice cream.

6. Lazy Cabbage Rolls

Lazy cabbage rolls on spoon

Cabbage rolls are my favorite Ukrainian food. Although I was taught to make them by both my Grandma and my Mother-in-Law, until recently I couldn’t make them for myself because whole sour cabbage leaves were not available where I lived. So I would make due with Lazy Cabbage Rolls. Not only does it use easier to find ingredients, it’s also a lot less work making it perfect for any regular weeknight dinner.

5. Homemade Eatmore Bars

Homemade Eatmore Bars

Eatmore bars are a Canadian chocolate bar that my mom used to buy by the case. They’re chewy, and peanutty with a hint of chocolate. It wasn’t until I was an adult that I learned you could easily make a copycat version at home. These Homemade Eatmore Bars are always popular around the Holidays.

4. Buttery Ranch Pretzels (Dot’s Pretzel Copycat)

A child's hand taking a butter ranch pretzel from a black bowl.

These Buttery Ranch Pretzels are a new addition to my top recipes. I started developing the copycat recipe after some friends shared their Dot’s Pretzels with us on a camping trip. The recipe has been popular with my readers almost since the day I published it.

3. Cornflake Squares

Stack of cornflake squares on a plate

Cornflake Squares are one of my very favorite treats. My Mom or Grandma would make them every Holiday season, and when I started living on my own, I started as well. There is probably not a Christmas in my lifetime that I have not eaten these. Now that I’m an adult, and can make them whenever I feel like it, I make them on a regular basis. After all, they’re no bake and super quick and easy to whip up anytime.

2. Old Fashioned Pink Popcorn

Overhead photo of pink popcorn in a bowl

This Old Fashioned Pink Popcorn is popular every year. It has been pinned thousands of times, featured in other blog posts, and even graced the cover of a magazine.

1. Homemade Hamburger Buns

Baked hamburger buns on tray

My Homemade Hamburger Buns are always popular, but their popularity hit a new level this year at the start of the pandemic. The bread baking craze of Spring 2020 meant that people were not only experimenting with sourdough and other breads, but making their hamburger buns from scratch too.

Top Recipes of 2020
About Carissa

I’m the recipe developer, photographer, and writer behind Domestic Dreamboat. I want to share my love of food and make home cooking approachable to everyone.


Chow and Chatter: Citrus Drizzle Cake

This is a fun little cake, love the drizzle icing with citrus juice it keeps the cake so moist. 


  • juice of 1/2 a grapefruit and 1/2 a lime 
  • save some grated peel and the other 1/2 of the grapefruit for the drizzle 
  • 4 oz butter
  • 4 oz sugar 
  •  4 oz self raising flour
  • 2 eggs 
  • 2 tablespoon bakers sugar
  • hot water


  1. cream the sugar and butter till light and fluffy
  2. mix in the eggs and flour and the grapefruit and lime juice 
  3. bake at 375 for 20-30 minutes
  4. let the cake cool
  5. then mix bakers sugar with hot water and the grapefruit juice and peel, drizzle over the cake and dust with confectioners sugar. 
  6. enjoy with a cup of tea. 

I made this with my daughter now 12, can you believe it I started this blog when she was a baby. 

Hope you are all having a good holiday season despite covid and smaller family gatherings, lets hope and pray that 2021 is better, much love 

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Maple Sugar and Spice Cookies



Maple Sugar and Spice Cookies 

The joy of holiday baking is creating a new cookie recipe. This recipe is similar to a traditional shortbread butter cookie adding holiday spices, maple sugar, and almond flour.

Recipe Tips and Highlights 
  • Organic maple sugar is made by evaporating the liquid (water) from maple syrup, and can be used as a healthy baking substitution to refined sugars such as brown sugar and white granulated sugar. Organic maple sugar contains vitamins and minerals calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium, and zinc. Maple sugar also has healing and immune boosting properties. It contains antioxidants that can protect us against harmful free radicals that can contribute to heart disease and cancer. 
  • In this recipe I replaced 1/4 of the all-purpose flour with super- fine blanched almond flour. Almond flour is made from almonds that are blanched, the skins are removed, then finely ground and sifted into flour. Almond flour offers many nutritious benefits, is a good source of protein,  fiber, vitamin E, and magnesium and is low in carbohydrates. In baked goods, almond flour adds a slightly sweet and buttery flavor.  
  • Adding an egg to this butter cookie helps to add moisture and bind the almond flour to the dough helping to maintain its cookie shape.
  • Warm spices of cinnamon, ginger, cardamom and allspice provide flavor and compliment well with maple sugar , almond flour and butter.
  • To decorate and give a festive look I used a cookie press, or you can use the bottom of a decorative glass or even a fork.  After baking, I added a decorative glaze of powdered sugar and cream. ( To a 1/2 cup powdered sugar gradually add 1/2 to 1 teaspoon of cream to form a glaze,  then dip or brush on, and decorate with sprinkles)


Maple Sugar and Spice Cookies 
  • 1 1/2 cup all- purpose flour 
  • 1/2 cup super-fine almond flour (from blanched whole almonds)
  • 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
  • 1/2 teaspoon ground ginger
  • 1/2 teaspoon ground cardamom
  • 1/4 teaspoon ground allspice 
  • 12 tablespoons ( 1 1/2 sticks) unsalted butter at room temperature 
  • 1/2 cup organic maple sugar 
  • 1/4 cup powdered sugar 
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla 
  • 1 egg 

Preheat oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit. Line a large cookie sheet with parchment paper. This recipe makes approximately 36 (1 1/2  inch diameter) cookies 

  1. Measure and sift all-purpose four and almond flour into a medium bowl. Add cinnamon, ginger, cardamom, and allspice and whisk together.
  2. In the bowl of a stand-up mixer fitted with the paddle attachment, beat unsalted butter, maple sugar, and powdered sugar at medium speed until light and creamy, 3-4 minutes stopping to scrape down sides of the bowl. Add the egg and vanilla and continue to mix until well blended.
  3. With mixer on low speed gradually add flour and almond flour mixture in 3 additions. Mix until dough comes together, it will still be slightly crumbly.
  4. Cover and chill the dough in the refrigerator for 30 minutes. 
  5. Using a small cookie scoop or a small spoon, form dough into balls and place on to the parchment lined cookie sheet.
  6. Using a decorated cookie press or fork, dip into sugar then press into each cookie. 
  7. Bake cookies 12 minutes or until the edges and bottom of the cookies are lightly brown. 
  8. Cool cookies completely on a cookie rack before adding a glaze.
  9. To make the glaze, measure 1/2 cup powdered sugar into a small bowl, gradually add 1/2 to 1 teaspoon of cream, mixing well between additions. Dip or brush on glaze, and decorate if desired.  




28 Unimaginable Culinary Nourishment Well being And Wellness Coaches

There’s a riches of information supplied regarding meals, wellness, nourishment, weight-reduction plan plan in addition to dishes– and li...