Tuesday 26 January 2021

Tiffine lost 45 pounds | Black Weight Loss Success

Tiffine lost 45 pounds. She wanted to be the best version of herself, mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually. As a nurse, she has always had a passion for health. She became a Zumba instructor, and she’s currently training to be a weight management specialist and a certified personal trainer.

What was your motivation?
In February 2020, I was at a speaking engagement that just so happened to be recorded. When I got home, I watched the video of myself speaking on stage, and I was in total disbelief at what I saw. I didn’t recognize myself. I couldn’t believe I let my body get to that point. I fell into a depression while trying to figure out what happened and how I lost myself. That experience started me on my journey to finding myself again. 

What inspired you to keep going, even when you wanted to give up?
My children are my inspiration. I want to make sure that I do everything in my power to be in the best state, mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually. I want to be the best version of myself possible. 

How did you change your eating habits?
I changed my eating habits entirely by using calorie counting and portion control. I also cut a lot of carbs and sugar out of my diet. I replaced those foods with more protein and green veggies. I used the My Fitness Pal app, and it changed my life. It taught me how to always look at food labels so I would know the healthiest thing to put into my body. I never knew how many calories a day I was consuming until I started using that app. Many foods are labeled “organic,” “low fat,” or just “healthy” in general. However, those labels don’t reflect all the excess sugar, sodium, and carbs the food contains. You have to be really careful and read the nutrition label.

What did your workout routine consist of?
For the first 2 months, I didn’t work out at all. I focused strictly on getting my diet under control. After that, the pandemic started to really affect our lives. Going to the gym was not an option. I love to dance, so I looked up dance fitness workouts on Youtube. I also did Zumba. 

I slowly began to build my stamina, and I incorporated more cardio into my routine, such as jump rope, jumping jacks, etc.  

My journey inspired me to become a licensed Zumba instructor. I am a nurse, so I have always had a passion for helping people. Now I get to do it on another platform. I started a weight-loss support group in May 2020, and I have a private Facebook group called Body Moves Fitness.

Also, I am currently taking courses to become a certified weight management specialist and certified personal trainer. My focus will not only be on weight loss but healthy weight gain as well. I will specialize in weight management and personal training. (I will be launching an athletic brand in 2021 as well.) 

Tiffine before and after

How often did you workout?
I worked out every day at least 2-3 times a day. I am a nurse who works the late-night shift. So when I got off work at 7 am, I would do a quick workout before going to bed. I would work out right after lunchtime and again before work. 

What was your starting weight? What is your current weight?
Starting weight was 222 pounds, and my current weight is 177 pounds. My lowest weight was 170 in October 2020. I began to do more weight training to build muscle and become leaner.

What is your height?
I am 5’6″.

When did you start your journey? 
Feb 18, 2020

Is weight loss surgery part of your journey?
No, but I do recommend for anyone to do what’s best for them. Everyone has a different journey. There is no right or wrong way to do it.

How long did your transformation take?
Ongoing, but I started to see a significant difference after two months.

What is the biggest lesson you’ve learned so far?
The biggest lesson I have learned so far is to love myself no matter what I look like on the outside. Beauty comes from within and carries over to the physical. I also learned that hard work and consistency is key. The body is an amazing vessel. 

What advice would you like to share with women who want to lose weight? 
Weight loss starts with a changed mindset. It is 99% mental and 1% physical. If you can change your mindset, anything is possible.

Instagram: @body_moves_fitness_and_apparel

Source by [author_name]

source https://betterweightloss.info/tiffine-lost-45-pounds-black-weight-loss-success/

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