Sunday 31 January 2021

Shay lost 73 pounds | Black Weight Loss Success

Transformation of the Day: Shay lost 73 pounds. After both of her grandmothers pass away due to health issues, she was diagnosed with some of those same issues. My Sigma Gamma Rho soror decided to put herself first and make health her top priority. When the hospital where she works opened a weight management program, she joined and decided to have Gastric Sleeve surgery. 

What was your motivation?
My motivation was watching both of my grandmothers’ health decline from numerous health issues and seeing them eventually succumb to death. I found myself having some of those same health issues. I was diagnosed with high blood pressure and pre-diabetes. I didn’t want to continue living my life that way. 

What inspired you to keep going, even when you wanted to give up?
What inspired me to keep going was the confidence I gained. My self-esteem was beginning to blossom after being in decline. I was no longer hiding behind the scene at family gatherings or hiding from pictures.

How did you change your eating habits?
I work at a local hospital that started a new weight management program. This program provided two options: Bariatric surgery or Non-surgical weight management. I ultimately opted for Bariatric surgery. I had gastric sleeve weight loss surgery in February 2019. [Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy]

It was a 6-month program. During those six months, I had a nutritionist who taught me how to eat the proper way. I cut my carbs down to 50 grams a day and increased protein to 60 grams a day. I still enjoyed my favorite foods but at a minimum. 

The best thing I learned from my nutritionist was to invest in a good food scale. I learned to measure my food before placing it on a plate. I found portion control is the best way to drop weight. Instead of eating off regular plates, I purchased baby plates and utensils to decrease overeating.

I stopped eating out so often, but if I ended up at a fast food place, I would choose the healthier options. For instance, if I wanted a burger, I would get a kids burger, remove the bun, and only have the patty with the fixings. Instead of fries, I would go for a salad. 

Sweets were my biggest problem. I discovered sugar-free candy, and it helped tremendously (minus the diarrhea, lol). I would also make energy balls. I found a recipe on Pinterest for them and ran with it. 

Also, water became my best friend. After surgery, I was told that I could no longer have sodas. I was devastated to learn I had to give up my beloved Coca Colas. 

What did your workout routine consist of? How often did you work out?
My workout routine consisted of 45 minutes to an hour of gym time. I would mostly do weight training and running on the treadmill. I would workout at least 4 days a week. I eventually started working out at home. My home workouts consisted of jump rope, weights, and walking.

What was your starting weight? What is your current weight?
My starting weight was 248 pounds. My current weight is 175 pounds. I fluctuate between 175 to 177 pounds.

What is your height?

When did you start your journey?
My journey began in 2018. It took some time because I listened to everyone around me who said I was ok and didn’t need to lose weight. They had no idea that I was suffering in silence.

How long did your transformation?
It took me 11 months to reach my goal weight of 180 pounds. I have surpassed that goal, and I’ve lost over 70 pounds so far.

What is the biggest lesson you’ve learned so far?
The biggest lesson I’ve learned so far is to stop putting myself last. I always made sure everyone else around me was ok. While doing that, I lost myself. Now I see that I deserve to be happy. Most importantly, you have to take care of yourself first.

What advice do you have for women who want to lose weight?
Don’t give up! Keep fighting and ignore the naysayers. Your journey is your journey. Do not compare your journey to others. 

Also, stop saying you’ve only lost 1 or 2 pounds. That’s a big accomplishment (Have you seen a pound of fat? It’s huge). Keep going.

Instagram: @SleevedShay

Source by [author_name]


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