Friday 22 January 2021

Shaé Love lost 90 pounds

Transformation of the Day: Shaé Love lost 90 pounds. When she reached her 40s, her body felt stiff, and she was often out of breath. In March 2020, she started making changes to her lifestyle, including eating a raw, plant-based diet and walking for exercise. As time went on, she listened to her body, made changes, and figured out what works for her.

After my twins left for college, I knew that I needed to find something to do that would give me a purpose in life. I gained a LOT of weight and lived a pretty sedimentary lifestyle. My 40s found me stiff and often out of breath. 

I started stretching every day and made sure I was eating the proper amounts of fruits and veggies. In March, I tipped the scale at 289 during quarantine, so I kicked things up a notch. I decided only to eat raw fruits and veggies and drink IASO detox tea from TLC. I lost about 30 pounds this way. This motivated me to do more. 

In July, I began walking with a friend three days a week, doing between 3-5 miles. I continued to see progress in my pictures and wanted more, so I hired a trainer in August (I weighed 250 pounds at this point). I worked out with weights one day a week while I continued walking three days a week. I noticed that I was still losing weight, but my work in the gym wasn’t getting any easier. I tried several times to increase my gym days to 3 days a week, but I always ended up making excuses as to why I couldn’t make it. I realized that I needed to work with a trainer to keep me accountable. 

Now, I’m training four days a week and still walking 3 miles a day. My goal is to weight train 5-6 days a week, but I’m in no rush to get there. I am NOT only eating raw fruits and veggies anymore, but I do limit my carb, sugar, and fat intake. 

I’m proud of the progress I’ve made since March. Who knew it would be this rewarding?? My current weight is 199 pounds, and I’m 5 feet, 8 inches tall.

I think the biggest lesson I’ve learned so far is how powerful the mind is. This journey is 90% mental, so I had to start retraining my thinking. 

I haven’t had any weight loss surgery, but my goal is to get a tummy tuck to remove loose skin when I reach my goal weight of 180 pounds. 

My advice to others is to move at your own pace and not anyone else’s. Also, allow yourself to backslide. You can always start tomorrow. Just make sure you actually start over tomorrow. This is the best investment you will ever make! 

Shae Love lost 90 pounds
This picture is from two weeks after I started training four days a week (up from 1 day a week). The top and bottom pics were taken three weeks apart.


Source by [author_name]


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