Monday 1 February 2021

Nikeesha lost 45 pounds | Black Weight Loss Success

Nikeesha lost 45 pounds. Lupus and anxiety caused her weight to fluctuate. As the pandemic set in, social isolation led to even more weight gain. In Summer 2020, she decided it was time for a lifestyle change. She purchased a bike, switched up her eating habits, and refused to give up.

Well, it’s official. I’ve lost 45 pounds since July 2020. I’m so happy I could cry! Now, let me backtrack… I have Lupus and anxiety. I had my first panic attack almost a year ago. These two illnesses have caused my weight in the last two years to fluctuate like crazy. I’ve tried tons of medicine, but I still have anxiety and extra pounds. 

Right before the pandemic hit, my newest anxiety meds caused me to gain 15 pounds. I was stuck in the house due to Covid. I was blessed to still be healthy and have a job, but social isolation hit me hard. I turned to food and gained another 15 pounds. 

One morning I woke up and said, “It’s time for a change.” I purchased a bike in June and cut my eating in half. When I bought my bike, I started doing 10-15 minute workouts. Now I can bike for an hour. 

I also limited eating junk food and fried foods. I basically tried to find a healthier version of all of my “junk food.” My healthy snacks include 100 calories snacks, fruit, yogurt, baked crackers, chips, smoothies, and any cauliflower-based foods. 

Little by little, the results were happening, and I was sold. Now, it’s a lifestyle change. I look forward to my 6:30 am workouts before work. Now my anxiety it’s better, depending on the day, but my Lupus… what Lupus?? I can’t tell you the last time I had a flare-up! I mean, of course, it will always be there. However, today I’m all smiles!

Nikeesha lost 45 pounds

What is your workout routine?
Depending on my Lupus and how my body feels, my goal is to work out four days a week. Sometimes if I’m having a good week, I push myself to do a few extra days. I exercise on my bike, averaging about 55-60 mins per workout and burning at least 700 calories. I have incorporated push-ups, resistance bands, squats, and planks. 

Starting weight/Current weight
I reached my highest weight ever in life during quarantine: 243 pounds. I currently weigh 198 pounds, and I’m 5’10”. My goal is 185 pounds. It’s crazy because my high school weight was 180 pounds, and I thought I was “big.” I went to a school where I was the only African American, so I compared myself to my Caucasian classmates from K thru 12. I didn’t see my beauty until later in life. 

What is the biggest lesson you’ve learned so far?
I learned never to give up. When something seems impossible, make it possible. At first, I thought I could never lose 45 pounds in 5 months. Then I thought, “Why not? My health is depending on it, and you only get one body.” I focused all of my stress from the pandemic on my fitness goals and becoming an all-around better person. 

What advice would you like to share with women who want to lose weight?
Start slow and know that it will not happen overnight. It will be times when you’ll want to quit. You may get discouraged but keep your goals in mind. 

Instagram: @specialk_85_

Source by [author_name]


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