Sunday 31 January 2021

Katrina lost 160 pounds | Black Weight Loss Success

Katrina lost 160 pounds. Her high blood pressure was getting severe, and she needed to adopt a healthy lifestyle for her children and herself. Since 2015, she has truly put in the work by changing her eating habits, meal prepping, and making fitness a priority.

When did you start your journey?
I started working out and eating right on January 2, 2015, after seeing a picture of myself at over 350 pounds. I started working out daily for no less than 30 mins a day, seven days a week for the first six months. Then I dropped down to 5 days a week. 

Within 11 months, I had lost over 100 pounds. I lost 150 pounds within 18 months. Consistency was the key to my success. I also surrounded myself with people that encouraged my journey. I’m 5’9”, and my current weight is 190 pounds. (No surgeries. Just a natural diet.)

What was your motivation?
My doctors wanted to put me on high blood pressure medicine for severe blood pressure issues. I knew that I needed to make a change for my kids and myself.

How did you change your eating habits?
I tried different meal plans from Paleo, plant-based Vegan, juicing, Weight Watchers, and more. I meal prepped daily and held myself accountable for my success. 

Katrina lost 160 pounds

I worked with various trainers over the years, learning different tips and tricks to succeed on my weight loss journey. I did everything from basic gym training to HIIT Bootcamp workouts to working with bodybuilding trainers. I walked up to 15 miles on the weekends, went hiking, and more.  

In 2020, we lost the ability to workout at the gym due to the pandemic. So, I started my own fitness program on ZOOM, training 6-10 women five days a week.

I continue to train five days a week and switch up my workout routine to keep my body losing weight and building muscle. I learned not to be a slave to the scale so that I wouldn’t get discouraged along the way. I train daily for free to teach women how to be healthy and fit. Under Covid, all we can rely on is our health. I wanted to share what I had learned with others.

Instagram: @Katrina_michelle_la

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Shay lost 73 pounds | Black Weight Loss Success

Transformation of the Day: Shay lost 73 pounds. After both of her grandmothers pass away due to health issues, she was diagnosed with some of those same issues. My Sigma Gamma Rho soror decided to put herself first and make health her top priority. When the hospital where she works opened a weight management program, she joined and decided to have Gastric Sleeve surgery. 

What was your motivation?
My motivation was watching both of my grandmothers’ health decline from numerous health issues and seeing them eventually succumb to death. I found myself having some of those same health issues. I was diagnosed with high blood pressure and pre-diabetes. I didn’t want to continue living my life that way. 

What inspired you to keep going, even when you wanted to give up?
What inspired me to keep going was the confidence I gained. My self-esteem was beginning to blossom after being in decline. I was no longer hiding behind the scene at family gatherings or hiding from pictures.

How did you change your eating habits?
I work at a local hospital that started a new weight management program. This program provided two options: Bariatric surgery or Non-surgical weight management. I ultimately opted for Bariatric surgery. I had gastric sleeve weight loss surgery in February 2019. [Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy]

It was a 6-month program. During those six months, I had a nutritionist who taught me how to eat the proper way. I cut my carbs down to 50 grams a day and increased protein to 60 grams a day. I still enjoyed my favorite foods but at a minimum. 

The best thing I learned from my nutritionist was to invest in a good food scale. I learned to measure my food before placing it on a plate. I found portion control is the best way to drop weight. Instead of eating off regular plates, I purchased baby plates and utensils to decrease overeating.

I stopped eating out so often, but if I ended up at a fast food place, I would choose the healthier options. For instance, if I wanted a burger, I would get a kids burger, remove the bun, and only have the patty with the fixings. Instead of fries, I would go for a salad. 

Sweets were my biggest problem. I discovered sugar-free candy, and it helped tremendously (minus the diarrhea, lol). I would also make energy balls. I found a recipe on Pinterest for them and ran with it. 

Also, water became my best friend. After surgery, I was told that I could no longer have sodas. I was devastated to learn I had to give up my beloved Coca Colas. 

What did your workout routine consist of? How often did you work out?
My workout routine consisted of 45 minutes to an hour of gym time. I would mostly do weight training and running on the treadmill. I would workout at least 4 days a week. I eventually started working out at home. My home workouts consisted of jump rope, weights, and walking.

What was your starting weight? What is your current weight?
My starting weight was 248 pounds. My current weight is 175 pounds. I fluctuate between 175 to 177 pounds.

What is your height?

When did you start your journey?
My journey began in 2018. It took some time because I listened to everyone around me who said I was ok and didn’t need to lose weight. They had no idea that I was suffering in silence.

How long did your transformation?
It took me 11 months to reach my goal weight of 180 pounds. I have surpassed that goal, and I’ve lost over 70 pounds so far.

What is the biggest lesson you’ve learned so far?
The biggest lesson I’ve learned so far is to stop putting myself last. I always made sure everyone else around me was ok. While doing that, I lost myself. Now I see that I deserve to be happy. Most importantly, you have to take care of yourself first.

What advice do you have for women who want to lose weight?
Don’t give up! Keep fighting and ignore the naysayers. Your journey is your journey. Do not compare your journey to others. 

Also, stop saying you’ve only lost 1 or 2 pounds. That’s a big accomplishment (Have you seen a pound of fat? It’s huge). Keep going.

Instagram: @SleevedShay

Source by [author_name]


Saturday 30 January 2021

Shameka lost 52 pounds | Black Weight Loss Success

Shameka lost 52 pounds. She was battling high blood pressure and pre-diabetes. She decided to join the Weight Watchers program and make fitness a priority because she wants to be an active and healthy mom for her young son. 

What inspired you to keep going, even when you wanted to give up?
My inspiration was my son. He’s three years old, and I didn’t want to have my weight or health hinder me from being active with him. 

How did you change your eating habits?
I joined Weight Watchers (WW) in early February 2020 because I was battling high blood pressure, and I was also pre-diabetic. A coworker of mine joined WW and had success with the program. I also had a very straightforward conversation with my primary care physician about how I needed to lose weight to improve my health. From there, I decided to join and have continued to be on the program ever since. 

I followed Weight Watchers‘ point system and first worked on eating better before incorporating exercise. I cut out drinking soda and juice. I drink a gallon of water every day and have one cheat meal every week. I focus on eating moderately and mindfully. I also create a menu every week at home to focus on cooking more and making meals at home as much as possible. 

My diet consists of low carb, high protein foods. I eat a lot of protein in the morning to sustain until lunchtime. For breakfast, I drink a protein shake, eat two eggs and a banana. I eat tuna with mini saltine crackers (or bread) with grapes or another fruit (clementines) for lunch. For a snack, I’ll have a Light and Fit Strawberry yogurt, which is packed with protein. For dinner, it varies depending on what I decide to cook for my family. 

Shameka lost 52 pounds

What did your workout routine consist of?
I work out every day for 30-40 minutes at home in my gym downstairs. I started by walking outside during the summer and increased my walking workouts by one mile each month. I eventually worked up to walking four miles every day by August 2020. Once I felt confident enough, I started doing workouts from YouTube from Leslie Sansone. Now, I’m focused on strength training to tone my body. 

What was your starting weight? What is your current weight?
My starting weight was 232 pounds, and I’m now down to 180. I hit my goal in early November 2020. I have reached my weight goal, and now I’m working on maintaining it. 

What is your height?
My height is 5’5″. 

Is weight loss surgery part of your journey?
Surgery is not a part of my weight loss journey. My goal was to naturally lose the weight on my own without feeling deprived of eating foods that I liked (eating them sparingly and in moderation). 

What advice would you like to share with women who want to lose weight?
Focus on why you want to lose weight and find a source of motivation. Also, start slowly and work your way towards your goal. Set realistic goals for yourself, and don’t feel like this journey is a race. (For example, my goal was to get down to 200 by June 2020. I made that goal by early June 2020.) It took me close to 9 months to lose 52 pounds, so your journey may look different from someone else’s. 

Even when you have rough days, still push through. Know that it’s okay to struggle within your journey, but seek out support (weight loss groups, friends who are losing weight, etc.) when you feel like it’s too much. 

Know that only you can change your situation and no matter what anyone says, always stay focused. This is your journey, and don’t let anyone derail you from your goal. 

Your weight loss journey does not depend solely on the number on the scale, so don’t just focus on that. Be patient with yourself. 

Focus more on your diet first, and then exercise. Once you have established good eating habits, you are set and can then focus on exercise. 

Instagram: @world_of_curls86

Shameka before and after

Source by [author_name]


Jermarilyn lost 60 pounds | Black Weight Loss Success

Transformation of the Day: Jermarilyn lost 60 pounds. This proud mom just wants to be healthy for her children. She cut out carbs, maintained a specific calorie goal, and worked out consistently.

What was your motivation? What inspired you to keep going, even when you wanted to give up?
My motivation was staying healthy for my kids. I want to be healthy and alive, so I can see my grandkids when I get older.

How did you change your eating habits?
I stopped eating carbs and started drinking more water. I ate fruits and veggies and stayed within a 1600 a day calorie deficit. 

What did your workout routine consist of? How often did you work out?
I usually try to work out four times a week, for one hour a day. This includes daily cardio with some strength training as well. 

What was your starting weight? What is your current weight?
My starting weight was 220 pounds, and now my weight is 160 pounds.

What is your height?
I’m 5’5″.

When did you start your journey? How long did your transformation take?
Well, I started my journey back in 2015, and I’ve just been maintaining. 

Is weight loss surgery part of your journey?

What is the biggest lesson you’ve learned so far?
Weight loss takes time, don’t rush through the process. 

What advice do you have for women who want to lose weight?
Drink more water daily, cut down on refined carbs, eat more protein, and keep a food journal. It’s a process.

Instagram: @jmareboo

Source by [author_name]


Friday 29 January 2021

February 2021: Change Your Mindset Challenge

“Change Your Mind, Change Your Life.”

We’ve all heard this saying, but how does it figure into weight loss? Your mindset, your state of mind, is extremely important when it comes to achieving lasting success. Cravings, motivation, stress eating, self-esteem, your desire to workout… it’s all tied to your thought life.

Challenge Goal:
The goal of this month’s challenge is to get you to go beyond focusing on food and exercise. You have to adopt the right mindset to be successful. The fun starts on February 1st.

Oftentimes, we start a new or restart our weight loss journey without first doing some very important work: The work of figuring out what factors and habits got us to where we are and figuring out what our real, long term goals are. That work requires that we take the time to investigate our existing thought patterns so that we can create new ones.

How Can You Join Us?

  • This is a FREE challenge. No signup required.
  • For this challenge, You’ll need a journal/notebook and a piece of poster board for your vision board. You may also want some post-it notes to post reminders in your home, office, etc.
  • Take Action Daily –  Read the Daily Task List and download the printable checklist (below).
  • Check-in Every Night at 6:30pm – Visit our Facebook Page or our Instagram each evening. Join our daily check-in for accountability by leaving a comment under the check-in post. Share the insights you’ve made, how your day is going, etc. We are all in this together and we want to hear from you.
  • Share your 21-Day journey with the world via social media. Use the  challenge hashtag: #BWLWFeb

Leave a comment below and let us know you are on board for this challenge!

Along with the daily tasks below, we suggest you embrace these habits…

  • Replace criticism with self-care and self-awareness – Vow to stop beating yourself up about the way you look or what you eat for the full 21 Days.
  • Commit to working out for at least 30 minutes, 5 days a week. – Do what works for you, from walking to high intensity interval training.
  • Commit to limiting junk food, fast food and highly processed food to just one day a week. – Take the time to list the foods that you need to cut back on/cut out on paper. We are talking about the unhealthy foods and drinks that are hindering your progress. (candy, cake, soda, fast food, fried food, foods that are high in sugar or salt, etc.) Make a commitment to keep your intake of these foods to a minimum. If you need help with this, we’ve got you covered with our Clean Eating Guide.

Clean Eating Guide E-book

Click here to download this month’s
Printable Checklist (PDF file).

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Daily Tasks – February 1 – 21st, 2021

Day 1
Clarify your Big Why? Why do you want to lose weight/get fit/create a healthy lifestyle? Make a list of your reasons. – It is time to be real with yourself about what is driving you to make a change. Take some time to write down the reasons that are most important to you in a notebook or journal. Consider putting these reasons on post-it notes and posting them in your room, in your car or anywhere spend a lot of time as a reminder. Reviewing your reasons before meals or before working can also be helpful, so consider writing them down on notecards and store them in your bag.

Day 2 
Create clear, measurable, realistic goals. For example: “I will lose a total of 75 pounds.” vs. “I will lose 20 pounds in the next 3 months.” The second goal is more specific. “I will eat healthy.” vs. “I will create a 1500 calorie a day meal plan focused on low carb meals.” Specifics matter. Being practical matters as well. Weight loss doesn’t happen overnight. If your goals are unrealistic and you don’t reach them, that can be very discouraging. Record your goals in your notebook.

Day 3
Why are you worth it? This journey takes energy, sacrifice, time, money and more. You are worth it, and you really must embrace that concept, especially if the needs of others could potentially cloud your perspective and cause you to lose focus. Make a list of the reasons why you are worth all the hard work and dedication required to change your life. Know your worth. Know your value.

Day 4
Visualize Your Goals Part 1: Today, You will start selecting images for a vision board that reflects your goals. Weight loss, fitness, eating habits, wellness, etc. You can use magazines or print out images that you find online.

Day 5
Visualize Your Goals Part 2: Take out that poster board and create your vision board tonight. Don’t put limits on what you can achieve and don’t worry about being too out of the box. Take a photo and share your vision board with us on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter. Include our hashtag #BWLWFeb so that we can find you.

Day 6
What is your current relationship with food? If food was a person, how would you describe them? Has food been a lover, a friend, an enemy, etc.? Do you have a different relationship with junk food vs. healthy food? Take some time to write down who food has been for you in your notebook.

Day 7
Accept that you are an incredible and beautiful person. Take 5 minutes in front of the mirror and find at least one thing that you like about yourself. Then make a list in your notebook of all the things you love about yourself and all the ways you are a great person. This may be hard if you’ve built up a lot of self-hate. If you become emotional, it’s ok. Feel what you need to feel and learn from your feelings in the moment.

Day 8
Replace Hindering Thoughts with Uplifting Thoughts: Make a list of at least seven thoughts that are hindering you or holding you back. Examples;

  • “I need to lose weight to get revenge on my Ex.” vs. “I’m losing weight to improve my health.”
  • “Everytime I try to lose weight, I fail.” vs. “I have learned a lot in the past and this time I will achieve lasting results.”
  • “I’m on a diet.” vs. “I’m taking the time to create a new, healthy lifestyle that will benefit me for years to come.”
  • “I don’t know where to start.” vs. “I’m willing to do my research, educate myself, and use trial and error to figure out what works for me.”

Day 9
Reach out for support:
Call someone you love and ask them to support you on your weight loss journey. Call someone who won’t respond to your wanting to lose weight with jealousy, fear, or judgment. You may have already done this. If that is the case, check in with at least one person in your support system today. If you don’t have a supportive friend, family member or loved one, etc. consider joining a support group where you can meet new people, like BWLW’s Facebook groupBlack Girls Run or GirlTrek.

Day 10
Goal Letter: Write a letter to yourself that you will read after you’ve met your weight loss goal. I got this idea from the videos that appear at the end of episodes of Extreme Weight Loss. At the beginning of their journey, they would record a video the person at the center of the episode talking about their weight and how they felt. At the end of the episode, you would see the same person listening to that footage after they’ve lost the weight. On TV, it was shown as if they were standing or sitting side by side with their former selves and it was so powerful.

In this letter, tell yourself why you are making this lifestyle change and how you currently feel about where you now are in life. Tell yourself how proud you are of yourself for reaching your goal. Put the letter in a sealed envelope and keep it in a safe place. Open it when you’ve reached your goal. (At the end of the letter, add “PS: Remember to email and tell them that you’ve reached your goal.”)

Day 11
Investigate Your Triggers Part 1: What, other than hunger, makes you want to eat? Take some time to write down the triggers that motivate you to eat when you are not hungry. People, situations, emotions, etc.

Day 12
Investigate Your Triggers Part 2: How can you take action to guard against eating when you are not hungry? Make a list of the actions and new habits you can embrace to avoid emotional and stress eating. Commit to at least 2 of those actions for the rest of the challenge.

Day 13
Healing Past Pain and Forgiveness: Do you have issues around painful memories in your past? Do you have issues around forgiving yourself and others? These issues can turn into food triggers and lead to unhealthy habits, like binging. Today, you will research articles and self-help books that can help you start your journey to healing. You will also consider whether you need counseling or therapy. Today you will reach out to your spiritual family, biological family and friends for support.

Day 14
Mindful Eating: Research the concept of Mindful Eating and write down a definition you like. Then, write down 3 ways you can apply this concept to your life.

Day 15
Do Something That Makes You Feel Beautiful: What makes you truly feel beautiful? Take some time today to get your hair done or style your hair in a way you’ve never done. Take a well-planned selfie (with an awesome background). Buy some new makeup or your favorite fragrance. Wear that special outfit that makes you feel AMAZING. Visit our FB page and tell us what makes you feel beautiful.

Day 16
Do something relaxing that is all about YOU: Sleep in late. Take a super long shower or bath. Spend a few hours with a great book while sipping your favorite tea. Do something creative, like knitting or crafting. Do Nothing…if you know what I mean. Your choice! Do whatever helps you to relax. For a few hours today, it’s all about you. You have to take time for yourself.

Day 17
Make a Gratitude List: If you’ve followed Oprah over the years, you are familiar with the concept of a Gratitude list or Gratitude journal. What are the things, people and situations you are most thankful for? Make a list in your notebook. Take some time to record the ways that you are blessed. Reflect on this list when you are feeling down or when you are in need of inspiration. Put up post-it notes around your home to remind you of your blessings. Give Thanks!

Day 18
Positive Affirmations: Create a list of positive affirmations that can inspire you to keep going when times get tough. You’ll find some excellent affirmations online. You could even use motivational quotes. Record at least 10 affirmations/quotes in your notebook. Commit at least 2 of them to memory and repeat them to yourself during the rough times.

Day 19
Take Stock of  Where You Are In Life Right Now: Yes, we need to focus on our weight and our health but, sometimes we can become so focused that we don’t give time to some of the other areas of our lives that need work. Think about your career, your family, your spiritual life and other things or situations that affect your happiness. Where do you need to put your energy? Are there situations or people that are taking too much of your time and energy? Make a plan to adjust and make some changes. Make a list of your priorities in your journal/notebook.

Day 20
Create a Daily or Weekly Healing Ritual: Set aside time daily or weekly to focus on healing your mind, body, and soul. That could mean setting up an altar area in your home for daily prayer or meditation. You could set aside a specific time for writing in your journal or create a ritual around bathing and self-care. You may even incorporate yoga, dance or other forms of movement into this time. There are some great weight loss devotionals out there that can help you to focus, as well as lots of books on relaxation, detoxing your life, meditation, etc.

Day 21
Music can affect your Mindset: Create a positive vibes playlist and an exercise motivation playlist. Music can inspire and lift your spirit. Music can raise your mood and get you excited about working out. From inspirational Gospel to old school hip-hop, choose the music that moves you. Share your playlist with us online. #BWLWFeb

Thank you so much for joining our February 2021 Challenge!

Source by [author_name]


Rochelle lost 162 pounds | Black Weight Loss Success

Rochelle lost 162 pounds. With her daughters and grandsons as her motivation, she is determined to be healthy and avoid a family history of high blood pressure and diabetes. She adopted a plant-based, alkaline way of eating and worked her way up from walking to running.

On November 12, 2013, I decided I needed to make a change. I was not happy with how I was eating and the weight I was gaining. Also, I know that high blood pressure and diabetes run in my family. With bad eating habits and no exercise, it wouldn’t have been long before my doctors made me do something about my weight.

When I started my weight loss journey in November 2013, my weight was 297 pounds. Today, my weight is 135 pounds. I was tired of being a big female and listening to people make fat girl jokes about me. I not only wanted to lose weight but to make it a weight loss journey.

I found out online about the ALKALINE way of eating. I completely stopped eating meat and any meat products. I stopped eating ALL white foods (i.e., rice, bread, grits, etc.) I added more fruits and vegetables into my meal plans that I came up with at home. My meal plan consists of fruit, vegetables, homemade smoothies, homemade chickpea soups, and my nut mix (Brazil nuts, walnuts, pumpkin seeds, flax seeds, raisins, and goji berries.) 

I learned about natural foods that are healthy and great for my body. I cleaned out my fridge and cupboards and went shopping. It was rough in the beginning. I felt so lost, but I found out how to listen to my body and love my body just by adhering to what my body is saying.

After I changed my eating habits, I started to incorporate exercise into my routine. I started by walking for 30 minutes a day. Gradually, I worked up to walking/running for an hour. Now I am running every day for an hour and doing indoor workouts that now include weight training.

Rochelle before and after weight loss

My biggest motivation is my two daughters (Ashlyn and Hazel), my three grandsons (RayShawn, M.J, and Macario), and myself. No matter what size I am, they encourage me to be the best me ever. Some days, I don’t want to work out or eat healthy. I usually remind myself about my WHY…why did I start and why I must continue. 

Don’t get me wrong. I love me, no matter my size, but I want to be and stay healthy. When I feel like giving in, I remember my WHY. 

MY biggest lesson so far has been how to RELAX. Also, I have learned to love myself all over again. It’s been an amazing journey so far. I am excited to see what I will conquer in 2021.

My advice to other women on their weight loss journey is to love yourself enough to make a change for the better. Your body will love you for it. Also, not every day is going to be the same. Some days are good, some bad, some great, some awesome, and some amazing. No matter what, I give thanks every day. 

Source by [author_name]


Mimi lost 51 pounds | Black Weight Loss Success

Transformation of the Day: Mimi lost 51 pounds. At the beginning of 2020, she set the goal of losing 40 pounds by her 40th birthday in September, and she has exceeded that goal. Her routine includes intermittent fasting and HIIT workouts.

What was your motivation?
Being a healthier me is forever the goal and the struggle. At the beginning of the year, I wanted to lose 40 pounds by my 40th birthday, which is September 1st. 

What inspired you to keep going, even when you wanted to give up?
My family and friends who look up to me keep me going. It’s a good feeling knowing how far I’ve come. 

How did you change your eating habits?
I do intermittent fasting (16:8). I only eat one balanced meal a day, but I don’t starve myself. I enjoy drinking coffee (decaf), eating protein bars, and drinking Premier Protein shakes. I eat very little carbs. Roasted seaweed and pouch Tuna is my favorite snack. 

Mimi before and after weight loss

What did your workout routine consist of? How often did you work out?
I walked 3-4 miles at a nearby park. I also made my own HIIT (Tabata circuit) routines. I rotated those throughout the week, working out 5-6 days.

What was your starting weight? What is your current weight?
I started at 286 pounds, and I now weigh 235 pounds. Fifty-one pounds gone, and I’m still going. Woot, Woot!

What is your height?

When did you start your journey? How long did your transformation take?
I started seriously trying in January 2020.

Is weight loss surgery part of your journey?
No, I thought about surgery but wanted to do things naturally. I pride myself on knowing that I was strong enough to do this and keep doing it with the help of the Most High. 

What is the biggest lesson you’ve learned so far?
The biggest lesson that I have learned is that it is okay to start over as long as you don’t quit or give up on yourself. 

What advice do you have for women who want to lose weight? Believe in yourself and know that you can do exceedingly above and beyond what you put your mind to—one day at a time.

Instagram: @mimijoso80

Mimi lost 51 pounds

Source by [author_name]


Thursday 28 January 2021

Kasey lost 85 pounds | Black Weight Loss Success

Update Jan 2021: Shout out to Kasey. She lost 13 more pounds for a total of pounds 85 gone.

“Hello! I would like to provide an update on my weight loss journey. Despite the pandemic, I was able to lose 13 more lbs and get down to 185 pounds by the grace of God! I started kickboxing and increased the protein in my diet. I drink Vegan protein shakes for snacks, and I’ve decreased my carb intake.”

Oct 26, 2019 – Transformation of the Day: Kasey lost 72 pounds. She found the strength she needed in her faith, and she transitioned to a plant-based diet. At 25, she is living her best life. Check out her journey.

Kasey before and after

What was your motivation? What inspired you when you wanted to give up?
My biggest motivation was, and is God. I’ve tried to lose weight so many times in the past, but I was unsuccessful at keeping the weight off. I had to seek God for strength and dedication continually. I also had to renew my mind and change my thinking. Being overweight had a negative impact on my health, both mentally and physically. I wanted to change that forever.

How did you change your eating habits?
When I first began this journey in November 2015, I started with JJ Smith’s 10-day green smoothie cleanse. I also went vegetarian until December of 2018. Now I am a pescatarian. I continue to eat healthily and also incorporate intermittent fasting.

What did your workout routine consist of?
I used to work out 6-7 days a week, but now I do a minimum of 4 days a week. I include HIIT training, sprints, and strength training in my workouts.

What was your starting weight? What is your current weight?
My starting weight was 270 pounds, and my current weight is 198 pounds.

What is your height?

How long did your transformation take?
It has taken four full years for me to see really significant changes. I’m still not where I want to be, but I am so close to my goal. I am so proud of my transformation! My goal is to be healthy and fit for as long as I can.

Is weight loss surgery a part of your journey?

What is the biggest lesson you’ve learned?
Fitness is a journey, and you won’t get results overnight. God helped me to realize that when I got frustrated about my progress during my journey. The goal is to be healthy and strong, not just skinny. Now I’m just thankful for Him and the process.

What advice do you have for women who want to lose weight?
Seek God for guidance, and He will not disappoint you! Don’t give up because you’ll never know how far you can make it if you stop trying!

Instagram: @getkasefit2

Source by [author_name]


Kimberly reclaimed her health and happiness

Kimberly has gone from wearing an XXL to a size Large. After the loss of her husband, she fell into a depression. Years later, she realized that she deserved to be happy and healthy. With counseling, healthier eating habits, and exercise, she healed her mind and body.

What was your motivation?
The loss of my husband caused me to fall into depression. I found myself eating and sleeping daily for many years. I realized that I wanted more out of life, and I deserved to be happy and healthy. I started going to counseling for the loss of my husband. From there, I began to take care of my mind and body.

How did you change your eating habits? What did your workout routine consist of?
I stopped eating fast food/unhealthy foods and drinking sodas. I worked out from home for at least 20 minutes 3-4 days a week. I also started running in my neighborhood 3-4 times a week. 

I didn’t overwhelm myself by working out every day or for long hours. I do sit-ups, pushups, burpees, jumping jacks, and squats. I was consistent, and I watched what I ate. 

Kimberly before and after

When did you start your weight loss journey?
I started my journey 11 years ago. I’ve had some rough patches along the way, but my before picture keeps me from giving up! I don’t want to go back there again. It took me ten months to lose all of the extra inches. I started this journey wearing a size XXL, and now I wear a Large. 

What is your height?
I’m 6’1″. 

Is weight loss surgery part of your journey?
I didn’t have any surgery.

What is the biggest lesson you’ve learned so far?
I’ve learned to be patient with myself, celebrate my weight loss accomplishments no matter how small, and never compare my weight loss journey.

What advice would you like to share with women who want to lose weight?
Ladies, please be patient with yourself on this journey. Never compare yourself. Each person is different, and some people lose weight quicker than others. As long as you are consistent, eat healthily, don’t give up, and keep a positive attitude, you’ll see results!

Instagram: @widowsofopportunity

Kimberly before and after

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Jennifer lost 78 pounds | Black Weight Loss Success

Transformation of the Day: Jennifer lost 78 pounds. She is an Air Force Veteran, Author, Wife, and mother of five children. In 2019 and 2020, she experienced several injuries, including broken ankles after a bad fall. As she recovered, she decided it was time to get in shape. Leaning on her faith, intermittent fasting, journaling, walking, and kettlebell training worked for her.

I am an Air Force Veteran, Author, Wife, and mother of 5 children. I weighed well over 320 pounds, and now I weigh 242 pounds. I am 5’2″. My transformation took about eight months. 

Morbid obesity runs on both sides of my family. Growing up, I saw the effects it had on my family. Nonetheless, I continued to eat fast food and sugar without any regard for my future. Living for the now and 35 years of bad eating habits caught up with me. 

In April 2019, I fell down the stairs in my home while carrying my two-year-old daughter. Thankfully she was ok, but I sustained broken bones in my ankles. At that point, I tipped the scales at over 320 pounds. After months of healing and lots of physical therapy, I was back on my feet and ready to get back in shape. Then, on April 9, 2020, I sprained my right knee and was down again. On April 22, I went to a doctor’s appt for my knee, and he was very blunt, saying I was extremely heavy and had arthritic knees.

I was embarrassed and ashamed that I got to that point. I immediately went home and started to journal. I specifically wrote that obesity is dead to me. At that moment, I decided that because of God’s love for me, I was going to fight for my life. I wanted to prosper. I was allowing feelings of low self-esteem to drive me to food and sugar to cope. After years of yoyo dieting and vicious cycles of losing and gaining, I was fed up. I wanted my life back!

Jennifer before and after

Exercise: As I laid down, healing from my knee sprain and my stiff ankle, I started using a kettlebell. (Just lifting it in the air and trying to get some form of exercise.) Eventually, I started walking again, and I would walk to my front door.

I noticed I was getting stronger and could walk around the block. Eventually, I was walking for miles, riding bikes, and doing kettlebell training. I started to feel stronger and more flexible. 

I worked out about five days a week. I started walking 2 miles a day, and I did kettlebell training every day for 15 min to 25 min. Overtime, I increased the miles I walked and the weight of the kettlebell.

Eating Habits: For spiritual reasons, at the beginning of my journey, I fasted for 23/24 hours. I drank only lemon water and green tea. At 6 pm, I ate my first meal. Then, nothing again until 6 pm the next day. I did that for about six months. Now I’ve switched to fasting from 8 pm to 12 pm (first meal around 12/1 pm and eat again after 6 pm and stop eating after 8 pm)

Gradually, I changed my eating habits. I would make substitutions. Instead of sweets (I was heavily addicted), I ate watermelon to satisfy my sweet tooth. Once I mastered that, I stopped eating fried chicken. Because of the fasting, I started craving healthier options. I monitored my carb intake. My one meal included lots of big salads, fish, chicken, eggs, peanut butter, pistachios, and cheese. I used about a tablespoon of salad dressing, lemon juice, or fish sauce to flavor my salads. I also used fresh herbs and spices. I do not count calories. I eat until I am satisfied.

I started meditating more on God’s love and made small steps. I knew I had over 100 pounds to lose, and it seemed so daunting. I took it one meal at a time and one day at a time. God calls me a conqueror, so I went into the journey knowing health belongs to me. 

I changed my mind. In the past, I was so scared of failing. I imposed self-discipline on myself. I stayed consistent with fasting, walking, kettlebell training, and eating good 80% and allowed myself a cheat meal from time to time.  

Jennifer before and after

To date, I am 2 pounds away from losing 80 pounds. This is a lifelong journey. Every day I have to wake up and be accountable for the decisions I make. I take the mindset of “Me vs. Me”, and I don’t compare myself to others. I compete against my old pictures as motivation.

I realized how all those years of bad eating habits and low self-worth got me to where I was. I had to turn it around and stop making excuses. I understand now that motivation will get me started, but it’s my daily habits that will keep me going. I have five children, and I want to be there for them. It’s a matter of life and death, and I chose life!!!

I want to share this advice with women who want to lose weight: It first starts in your mind. Countless times I tried so hard to lose weight, but I went into it with a defeated mindset. This time, I was just angry and fed up with my life that I was desperate for a change. I meditated on God’s word, that he wants me healthy, and ran with it. 

You must keep your vision before you at all times because it will cause you to stay disciplined. It will get tough. There will be temptation but don’t give up on yourself. I realized no one was going to do this for me. I had to stop making excuses and go for what I wanted: To be healthy and leave a legacy for my children. If you can change your mind, the weight will follow. Once I conquered my mind, my life changed. The weight started to fall off.

Instagram: @jenn_slimsdown

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Wednesday 27 January 2021

Stacey lost 41 pounds | Black Weight Loss Success

Stacey lost 41 pounds. She was tired of being depressed, being uncomfortable in her clothes, and avoiding going out with friends. By staying focused, committing to her workouts, and cutting out fried and processed food, she has transformed.

What was your motivation?
Over the years, I’ve tried several products and programs. They didn’t work for me, so I just stopped and just kept gaining weight! Then one day, I woke and said ENOUGH! After walking past a family zoom video and not recognizing myself, I said to myself, “This has to change NOW.” 

I was at my heaviest weight of 261 pounds. I was tired of hating what I saw in the mirror and being uncomfortable in my clothes. I was tired of being depressed. I was tired of never wanting to attend any functions or go out with my friends because I was miserable with my body. So I just started! 

What inspired you to keep going, even when you wanted to give up? What keeps me going and motivated is God, my husband, being an example for my children, and never forgetting where I came from. I keep my mind focused on never going back. 

How did you change your eating habits?
I stopped eating all fried food and processed foods. I started eating more protein, vegetables, good carbs, and fruit. 

What did your workout routine consist of?
I started walking twice a day. Now, I’m doing 1 hour of cardio and strength training daily. 

How often did you work out?
5-6 days a week. I love how I feel after my workouts?

What was your starting weight? What is your current weight?
Starting Weight: 261 pounds
Current Weight: 220 pounds
I’ve lost 11 inches off my waist, 9 inches off my hips, and 6 inches off my bust. 

What is your height?

When did you start your journey?
July 2020

Is weight loss surgery part of your journey?
No surgery! All natural! No products, no teas, no wraps! 

How long did your transformation take?
I lost 15 pounds in my first 21 days and then 40 pounds after three months of doing the program.

What is the biggest lesson you’ve learned so far?
I learned that if I stay consistent and work for the results (instead of waiting for the results), they will come!

What advice do you have for women who want to lose weight? JUST START! What are you afraid to lose? All you will lose is weight, and you will love yourself for it!

Instagram: @kweenb_fitlife

Stacey before and after weight loss

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Kyara lost 110 pounds | Black Weight Loss Success

Transformation of the Day: Kyara lost 110 pounds with healthy eating habits and exercise. During her journey, she became aware of the mindset and triggers that were contributing to her unhealthy lifestyle. She transformed physically and mentally as she strived to be her best self.

What was your motivation?
My motivation was seeing the results: seeing my weight actually going down and how my body shape started changing. I’ve tried the weight loss thing in the past, but the results were minimal. I had to get honest with myself mentally and recognize my triggers. 

How did you change your eating habits?
The habit of using bad eating habits and sugary alcoholic drinks to satisfy my depression and anxiety had to go. I stopped drinking for a while and focused on drinking a gallon of water a day. When I drink now, it’s in moderation, and I stay away from sugary drinks as much as possible. 

I tried several plans that didn’t work for me, like Keto and Herbalife. I started eating less unhealthy fast food and started doing more meal prepping. 

Tell us about your workout routine.
I love working out everywhere but the gym. I mostly go hiking two times a week. You’ll also find me jogging, doing group meetups with friends, doing home workouts, etc. 

Kyara lost 110 pounds

How many days a week do you work out?
I work out 2-4 days a week, depending on my schedule. I work out for at least 30 minutes, but I shoot for an hour or more. 

What was your starting weight? What is your current weight?
My starting weight was 315 pounds, and my current weight is 208 pounds. I’m trying to get down to my goal of 185 pounds. I’ve actually lost a total of 110 pounds overall. During the past year, I have been the best version of myself physically because I could focus on my mind/mindset.

What is your height?

When did you start your journey? How long did your transformation take?
I started in April 2016. However, I stalled for almost two years due to life events, staying around 240 pounds in 2017 and 2018. I restarted 2 yrs ago. 

Is weight loss surgery part of your journey?
No surgery, although I do want to get my loose skin removed. 

What is the biggest lesson you’ve learned so far?
I’ve been trying to lose weight my whole adult life, but it wasn’t until I recognized mentally what the triggers kept me physically unhealthy that I realized my biggest lesson. 

This journey has to be about you, and it’s more so breaking down mental barriers than just physically being fat. 

What advice would you like to share with women who want to lose weight?
This journey is yours and yours alone to accomplish. My best advice is to be patient, and your body will start listening. 

Instagram: @mz_keda_cole

Kyara before and after weight loss

Source by [author_name]


Tuesday 26 January 2021

Chicken and Sweet Potato Farro Bowl

Chicken and Sweet Potato Farro Bowl

A grain bowl that hits the spot. Rich in fiber, protein, and fresh flavor from nutty farro, sweet potato, and a tangy, easy-prep chimichurri sauce.

The post Chicken and Sweet Potato Farro Bowl appeared first on Under Armour.

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Chicken and Sweet Potato Farro Bowl

Chicken and Sweet Potato Farro Bowl

A grain bowl that hits the spot. Rich in fiber, protein, and fresh flavor from nutty farro, sweet potato, and a tangy, easy-prep chimichurri sauce.

The post Chicken and Sweet Potato Farro Bowl appeared first on Under Armour.

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Tiffine lost 45 pounds | Black Weight Loss Success

Tiffine lost 45 pounds. She wanted to be the best version of herself, mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually. As a nurse, she has always had a passion for health. She became a Zumba instructor, and she’s currently training to be a weight management specialist and a certified personal trainer.

What was your motivation?
In February 2020, I was at a speaking engagement that just so happened to be recorded. When I got home, I watched the video of myself speaking on stage, and I was in total disbelief at what I saw. I didn’t recognize myself. I couldn’t believe I let my body get to that point. I fell into a depression while trying to figure out what happened and how I lost myself. That experience started me on my journey to finding myself again. 

What inspired you to keep going, even when you wanted to give up?
My children are my inspiration. I want to make sure that I do everything in my power to be in the best state, mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually. I want to be the best version of myself possible. 

How did you change your eating habits?
I changed my eating habits entirely by using calorie counting and portion control. I also cut a lot of carbs and sugar out of my diet. I replaced those foods with more protein and green veggies. I used the My Fitness Pal app, and it changed my life. It taught me how to always look at food labels so I would know the healthiest thing to put into my body. I never knew how many calories a day I was consuming until I started using that app. Many foods are labeled “organic,” “low fat,” or just “healthy” in general. However, those labels don’t reflect all the excess sugar, sodium, and carbs the food contains. You have to be really careful and read the nutrition label.

What did your workout routine consist of?
For the first 2 months, I didn’t work out at all. I focused strictly on getting my diet under control. After that, the pandemic started to really affect our lives. Going to the gym was not an option. I love to dance, so I looked up dance fitness workouts on Youtube. I also did Zumba. 

I slowly began to build my stamina, and I incorporated more cardio into my routine, such as jump rope, jumping jacks, etc.  

My journey inspired me to become a licensed Zumba instructor. I am a nurse, so I have always had a passion for helping people. Now I get to do it on another platform. I started a weight-loss support group in May 2020, and I have a private Facebook group called Body Moves Fitness.

Also, I am currently taking courses to become a certified weight management specialist and certified personal trainer. My focus will not only be on weight loss but healthy weight gain as well. I will specialize in weight management and personal training. (I will be launching an athletic brand in 2021 as well.) 

Tiffine before and after

How often did you workout?
I worked out every day at least 2-3 times a day. I am a nurse who works the late-night shift. So when I got off work at 7 am, I would do a quick workout before going to bed. I would work out right after lunchtime and again before work. 

What was your starting weight? What is your current weight?
Starting weight was 222 pounds, and my current weight is 177 pounds. My lowest weight was 170 in October 2020. I began to do more weight training to build muscle and become leaner.

What is your height?
I am 5’6″.

When did you start your journey? 
Feb 18, 2020

Is weight loss surgery part of your journey?
No, but I do recommend for anyone to do what’s best for them. Everyone has a different journey. There is no right or wrong way to do it.

How long did your transformation take?
Ongoing, but I started to see a significant difference after two months.

What is the biggest lesson you’ve learned so far?
The biggest lesson I have learned so far is to love myself no matter what I look like on the outside. Beauty comes from within and carries over to the physical. I also learned that hard work and consistency is key. The body is an amazing vessel. 

What advice would you like to share with women who want to lose weight? 
Weight loss starts with a changed mindset. It is 99% mental and 1% physical. If you can change your mindset, anything is possible.

Instagram: @body_moves_fitness_and_apparel

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